House Hunting

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The next morning Leo was getting ready to take Yuki to daycare. Her mother could hardly remember what happened the other night and Yuki seemed to have forgotten it so she thought it would be best not to bring it up.

As she waited for Tigerclaw to take her to the daycare centre and then to school she was talking to someone on her cell phone.

"Well I'm at school today so maybe I can see you in the afternoon." She said as she tried to keep an excited Yuki from running into the road.

"Hello." A cheery voice suddenly said. Leo turned around and saw April walking up to her. When she saw that Leo was on the phone she chuckled.

"Do I even have to ask who that is?"

"Hang on a second." She said to the person on the other end before turning the phone away so she could talk to April. "He's having a really bad time with his dad right now, they had this huge row and... oh no." She trailed off as she looked passed her friend.

April turned around and saw a very angry Hamato Yoshi marching up to the house.

"Is he in there? And don't say he isn't because where else would he be?" He snarled as he pushed passed the two teens.

"Sorry, is who?" Leo asked with a small smile on her face.

"Oh don't play games, you know who." He hissed at her as Alopex stepped outside. "My son, the one that you're leading a merry dance around and ruining his life in the process, he's in your house isn't he?"

"No he's not, and I'd be happier if you didn't talk to Leona like that." Alopex growled at him.

"So you're saying he didn't spend the night here then?"

"That exactly what I'm saying."

Yoshi huffed before pushing the mutant fox out of the way and opening the letter box as the two teens snickered at him.

"Raphael!" He called into the house. "I want a word with you and I want it now, so come and find me because I am not chasing after you, I've done enough of that!" He exclaimed before standing up and walking away.

Once he was gone Alopex walked over to her daughter.

"Do you know where he is?" Shee asked her with a small glare.

"No." She quickly denied. Alopex didn't look convinced but she decided to leave it be and headed to work.

"See ya Leo." April chuckled before heading to school. Once she was alone she put the phone back to her ear.

"Did you hear all that?" She asked. "No, your dad thought you we're in my house."...


Later that day Yoshi decided to spend some of his free time in the local bar. He wasn't really a drinker but he believed that under the circumstances it didn't matter.

He was about to order another when Alopex walked in. 

He sighed and looked away from her, praying that she didn't notice him.

But she did.

As soon as Alopex saw him she knew she had to speak to him. She walked over to him and sat down. The rat just kept staring at the wall.

"Just for your information Yoshi you were wrong this morning, Raphael did not stay with us last night." She told him.

"Well he didn't stay at mine either, so where is he?" He sighed.

"And I don't think it's fair to blame Leona for everything that goes wrong in Raphael's life, he's 18, he can think for himself."

"I suppose that's true." He admitted.

Alopex nodded before leaving.

She suddenly wasn't in the mood for a quiet drink...


Back at the Saiyo house Raph and Leo were sat in the living room reading through news papers and flyers, house hunting.

"Here's one." Leo suddenly said. "One bedroom apartment for sale."

"How much?" Raph asked. Leo looked at the price and sighed.


"They all are, I'm gonna have ta get two jobs, never mind one."

Just then Alopex came in a was surprised when she saw Raph.

"Hey Mrs. Saiyo." Raph smiled before turning back to the papers.

"I've just been talking to your father." Alopex said. "I think he's wondering where you got to last night."

"Stay at Casey's" He replied.

"It's his own fault that Raph's not talking to him." Leo added.

"Well whoever's fault it is I'd think he'd be relived to hear from him."

"I'll talk to him." Raph sighed.

"Looking for apartments are we Raphael?" Alopex asked him when she saw what Raph was looking at. "Found anything yet?"

"Nothing yet."

"Their all too expensive." Leo sighed.

"Compared to living at home they are." She smiled. "And that's only the start, there's: heating, lights, food, water."

"Yeah, well, ya've gotta do it sometime." Raph shrugged.

"Yes, but normally when you've got a good job and some money behind you, you've got those have you?" She asked him.

"Mom, why are you saying that, you know he hasn't." Leo glared.

"Yeah well maybe he should slow down and think about how he's gonna manage and in the meantime go home to your family." She said and went upstairs.

"Don't listen to her." Leo said.

"I'm not goin' ta, and I ain't goin' back." Raph said firmly..


After being at Leo's for a while Raph decided to go home and get the rest of his things. When he got inside he was relived to find that his parents and Donnie were out.

Only Mikey was home.

"What are you doing here?" The blue eyed turtle asked his brother when he saw him.

"Come fer tha rest of my stuff."

"Mom and Dad are worried about you, at least tell them where you're staying."

"He was tha one who threw me out this house remember?!" He growled before heading up to his room.

Once he was gone Mikey ran for the door...

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