A Babysitter

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"So, ya wanna go ta tha movies tonight?" Raph asked Leo as she cleaned some tables. Raph had just come in after dropping Yuki off at daycare when he came in to grab some last minuet breakfast before going to his store job.

"What, why?" Leo asked.

"'Cause ever since we moved in together we haven't had one date and I thought we were tryin' ta get back together." He glared.

"Who's gonna watch Yuki?"

"I don't know, think we can find someone ta babysit?"

"Raph, between rent and groceries we haven't even got the money." She sighed.

"But it's half price seats on Monday!"

"Fine, but we still need to find a sitter." She groaned and gave him some coffee and a small take away breakfast. He smiled and handed her the money before leaving...


"I feel really bad now, you only came in to say good morning and I'm landing you with Yuki." Leo smiled nervously as she handed Catherine a coffee

"Oh don't be silly, it's a pleasure." She smiled.

"Thanks, I'm really grateful."

"So has your adopted mother got other plans for tonight?"

"I don't get on very well with her."

"That's a shame since you've been together since you were a baby, doesn't Yukiko miss seeing her?"

"No she's fine."

Suddenly Raphael came in and joined them at the counter, he was surprised to see Catherine again so soon.

"Well I'll be over around seven." The old turtle smiled at Leo before quickly leaving.

"Yer boss ain't got ya ta work late has he?" The green eyed turtle smirked.


"Good, 'cause guess what? We are good ta go fer tha movies tonight, me Mom's gonna look after Yuki! Said my Dad's gone to Japan fer tha weekend so he won't be a problem." He smiled.

"Oh Raph, I've just Catherine." Leo replied and Raph's smile dropped.

"But I think my Mom's lookin' forward ta it, she's never really spent time with Yuki."

"Yeah I know but with everything that Catherine's going through right now she might need this more, don't forget, she just lost her only child and me and Yuki are all she has left."

"Fine, she wins." Raph sighed with a small glare...


When night came Leo and Raph were already for their first date in years. Catherine had come over nearly ten minuets ago so they didn't have to wait for her.

Leo was wearing a strapless purple mini dress, black tights, black high heels and a dark purple jacket with a small hand bag full of makeup money and her cell phone.

Raph wore red, silk shirt, black leather jacket and black leather pants.

"Now you will be good for Catherine won't you?" Leo smiled as she gave Yuki a kiss.

"She can call me 'Nana', that's what your mother use to call her grandma." Catherine smiled at her.

"There's some coffee in tha kitchen, we won't be too late back." Raph told her.

"Don't worry, I'll find everything I need and take as long as you like, we'll be fine." The old turtle smiled as she reached into her bag and pulled out a large children's book called 'Where The Wild Things Are'. 

"It's great to be able to get out for once." Leo smiled as she checked her bag to make sure had everything.

Once she was sure she had everything she gave Yuki a kiss before she and Raph left...


"Ya wanna grab a drink before tha movie, doesn't start fer another hour." Raph grinned as they pulled up outside a bar.

"Oh Raph, not here." She groaned.


"Because this is the bar my Mom and Dad always go to and I'm not in the mood for facing them, especially my mother."

"Come on, ya've gotta face them some time, don't let'em spoil our night." He grinned.

Leo looked at him and sighed in defeat before getting out...


When they walked into the bar Leo sighed when she saw her mother and some of her work friends there. Raph quickly wrapped his arm around her and led her up to tha bar to order some drinks.

"Can I get a martini fer tha lady and a Gin and Tonic fer me!" He called to the bartender.

"Didn't expect to see you two in her drink." Alopex casually said when she saw them.

"We thought we'd grab a quick drink and get goin' ta tha movies." Raph smiled.

"Where's Yukiko?" She asked with a small glare.

"Where do you think she is?" Leo growled.

"Well I hope you've not left her on her own."

"Mom, what do you think I am?" She hissed.

"I'm beginning to wonder actually."

"She's got a babysitter for tonight, Tang Shen, so why don't you just go away and leave me alone for once." Leo smirked. She didn't want to tell Alopex about Catherine because she really didn't want anymore rows.

Raph quickly paid for their drinks and they sat far away from the mutant fox...


The night went much quicker then Leo and Raph realised. It felt likes minuets for the movie to end and they were back at the apartment.

As soon they stepped inside they saw Catherine walking out of Yuki's room, book in hand, to see who it was.

"Oh, back so soon?" She smiled.

"Yeah, tha night went in a flash." Raph shrugged as he looked around the apartment. "Ya've cleaned up?"

"I hope you don't mind, I know how busy you must be."

"Is Yuki OK?" Leo asked.

"She's fine, she's enjoying the book."

"I'll finish it if you want?"

"Oh no, I'm enjoying spending time with her, you two unwind while I finish it." She smiled and went back into the bedroom.

As Leo took her jacket off and slumped onto the couch Raph went into the kitchen to get something to drink.

"She's done tha washin' up and all?" He asked in disbelief.

"Well at least someone does." Leo grinned. Raph chuckled lightly before joining her on the couch...

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