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"Just calm down babe." Raphael said as Leona frantically searched the apartment for herself cell phone. She had just gotten off the phone with the social worker and she was in a right state.

"Calm down?!" She cried. "I've just found out my Mom is dead and you're telling me to calm down!!"

"Leo, please, you're frightening Yuki." April said as Yuki stood in her bedroom doorway with a fearful look on her face.

"Mommy?" She whimpered.

"Shh baby, Mommy's just a bit upset right now, go back inside and Auntie April will read you a story." She cooed and April led the toddler back into the bedroom and closed the door.

Finally Leona found her cell phone and dialled her family's house phone.

"Leona, I just heard what happened; are you alright?!"



"Are you OK princess?" April asked as she set the book aside. She had been reading Yuki's favourite fairy tales from Sleeping Beauty to Little Red Riding Hood but the toddler seemed more interested in the door than anything else.

"Wha wrong with Mommy?" She asked innocently.

"She's just a bit upset, don't worry."

"Is she sad about me?"

"No." April quickly replied and knelt down to the girl's height. "It's got nothing to do wit you, she's just a bit upset about Grandma."

"Why Gran and Mommy fight?"

"Because... that's what Mommy and Grandma's do, they fight sometimes but they always love each other."

Yuki just sighed and continued to at the door...


Tigerclaw was at Leona and Raphael's apartment within ten minuets. When Leona had rang the house to speak to her father about her mother's death she was shocked to find that it was Alopex that answered the phone.

The mutant Tigerclaw quickly ran up to the apartment and burst through the door.

"What the hell is going on!" Leo snarled as soon as she saw him. "One minuet I'm getting told that Mom's dead and then the next she's talking to me on the phone!"

"Leona." Tigerclaw started but was cut off.

"Is some kind of revenge because I said she couldn't she Yuki anymore!"


"I mean, I know she's a desperate, manipulative witch but saying she's dead?! That's low even for her!"


"And what if I'd of told Yukiko before called the house?! How do you think that would of upset and confused her! The psychopath doesn't care who she hurts as long as everyone does what she says!"

"LEONA!!" Tigerclaw suddenly bellowed, shutting the teenage mother up. "It's not Alopex who's died." He said calmly. "It's your biological mother, Eroina Aiuto."

Leo just stood there with wide eyes as she slowly sat down on the couch.

Tigerclaw sighed and sat next to her.

"I-I don't all the details, apparently she died from a heroin overdose early yesterday afternoon, her mother was the one who found her dead in her bedroom with a heroin wrapper lying on the floor; the funeral's in three days." Tigerclaw explained.

Leo was just sitting in stunned silence...


By the time it was night Leo still hadn't said a word and Raph was getting worried. He knew it was a shock for her but she had told him that she'd never had anything to do with her biological parents so he didn't understand why she was so upset.

"Come on Leo, talk ta me." He said as she was getting ready for bed.

"About what?" She replied stoically.

"Ya know what."

"Look, I feel terrible about what happened to her but I hardly knew her, what do I have to be sad about."

"I get that, but ya are sad, I can tell." He said but then he saw the look on her face. "I know that look, what ya thinkin'?"

"I want to go to the funeral."...

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