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"What?! But that is our granddaughter! Leona would never give her daughter up for adoption!" Alopex cried.

Tigerclaw wrapped an arm around his wife in an attempt to calm her down as he glared at a shocked Neil Faris. The human man had his hands up in a surrender motion and his eyes were wide with fear, he was so sure the mutant tiger was going to kill him.

"Listen Mr. Faris, I don't know what you or your wife have heard or been told but Leona is not giving her baby up for adoption." He said firmly, showing his deadly teeth.

"B-But the social worker was so sure that Ms. Saiyo was going to give up her newborn for adoption, are you sure your daughter didn't sign up for it without your knowledge?" He stuttered nervously, not sure what to do.

"No she wouldn't! Just who is it who told you all of this?!" He exclaimed angrily.

"It was me." A familiar voice said coldly from the entrance. All three adults turned to see Lisa Summers standing there with a clipboard and expressionless look on her face...


Kitsune hummed a soft Japanese lullaby as she carefully placed three photos in a large, blank photo album. Leona had bought this photo album for her baby so she could look back in this book and remember how her daughter use to be.

The three pictures were of her, April and Alopex with the baby, Leo hold her baby and the last was of the baby lying on her back, fast asleep and facing the camera.

The human chuckled as she closed the book and placed it back on the shelf.

She then picked up a nice photo frame and placed the same picture of Leo holding her baby in it. When she place the frame on the mantle piece she looked at the different pictures around the house, they were from her daughter's wedding day up until now.

She sighed contently and sat on the couch, waiting for Tigerclaw and Alopex to return...


Lisa, Neil, Tigerclaw and Alopex went into the relatives room with Leona and her baby. Once they were alone Leo turned and glared at the social worker and held her baby close.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! I thought I made it perfectly clear that I wasn't going to give me baby away." She exclaimed in annoyance. Neil fidgeted nervously, feeling very awkward.

Lisa rolled her eyes at the teen.

"Surely you must of come to your senses by now Leona, don't you want what's best for you and your baby?" She glared at her.

Leo flinched slightly at the comment.

"Do you want to know what life will be like for you if you keep this baby? It's emotionally draining, you have school to finish, you have no money, you have a very small support system, you're not necessarily mature enough to raise a child, you're not going to be able to run off to college and party, the child will be priority #1, you may have to give up school for work, you will be looked down at and scrutinise more than a parent in their 20s and someone wants to go to the movies? You have to get a sitter? No sitter, no hanging out!" Lisa exclaimed brutishly at the teenager.

"Enough! This is my baby and I won't give her up just because you want me to!" Leo shouted before turning to Neil. "I'm sorry Mr. Faris, but you've been misinformed by this woman; I'm not giving up my daughter."

Neil looked crushed at this and there were small tears in his eyes.

"I-It's alright dear, I better call my wife at the hotel." He sniffed and quickly walked out the room. Lisa was about to follow him but before she did she turned to Leo with a glare.

"I hope you're happy." She spat and left...


Outside the hospital, Neil was on the phone to his wife. He had lines of tears on his face as he spoke.

"No honey, I won't be bringing the baby home."

"Why? Is there's something wrong with the baby?!"

"Yeah, you could say something's wrong."

"What's going on, Neil?"

"She's not giving the baby up for adoption, and apparently it's not up for discussion."

"What?! Why?! Did the mother change her mind of something?!"

"No she didn't change her mind, apparently she never wanted to give her daughter up and Ms. Summers lied to us."

"How can she do this?! Does that stupid girl not know how much we've been waiting for a child?! HOW COULD THAT LEONA DO THIS TO US?!"

"Brenda, enough! It's not like that and there's nothing we can do about it! We've just going to have to live with it!"

"NO NEIL! IT'S JUST NOT FAIR, AND I'M GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!" She shouted at her husband from the other end before hanging up.

Neil sighed in defeat and slumped down into a bench...

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