Unbalanced Part 3

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Leona was still in tears as she and Raphael walked away from the grave. They still hadn't found Catherine or Yukiko so they decided to go back to the old turtle's house to see if they had gone back there.

It had started raining heavily.

As they walked, Leo looked up the dark, wet path ahead of them, she gasped when she saw a figure around Catherine's height walking towards them.

"Yuki!? It's Mommy!" She cried as she ran to the figure. But as she got closer, she was disappointed to see that it just Donatello.

"Have you found them?" The brown eyed turtle asked.

"No, we've looked everywhere!" She cried.

"You said she's with your grandmother, maybe she's taken her back to her house?"

"No we've been there, that's the first place we went to! Then we came here, we know Catherine's been bringing her here!" She snarled.

"Yeah she visits her kid's grave." Raph added. "There's fresh flowers but I think we've just missed them."

"Well, Mom thought she might of taken her to her cathedral."

"Wait what cathedral?!" Raph asked.

"St. Saviors."

"Let's go!" Leo cried and made a move to run to the car, only to have Raph pull her back.

"Wait, I think we should call tha police! Tell them what's happened and she might be in danger."

"Danger? When her great-grandmother's with her?"

"That's why! She's a very... disturbed woman." Raph replied.

"But she wouldn't hurt Yuki; do you really think she might?" Leo asked in fear, but he didn't reply...


Back on the tower, Shen shifted nervously as she and Catherine stared each other down. The old turtle was right by the edge as she clutched Yuki's shoulder tightly. The little tot stood at her side as she innocently looked around, not understanding what was happening.

"If you just come with me-"

"Get back!" Catherine barked. "Get back or we'll jump!!"

"I think Yukiko want's to go home to her Mommy."

"Yuki wants to see her Granny! She wants to be with her and so do I, and that's where we're going!"

"But Catherine, your daughter is dead."

"No." She muttered as she stared Shen right in the eyes. "No, she's gone to eternal life to a better place than this one!" She cried as a small smile crept on her face, sending a chill down the cat's spine.

"Catherine, listen to me, please." She pleaded. "I know you've had dreadful tragedy in your life, but there's Yukiko and Leona; they're your daughter's child and grandchild, with all their lives in front of them, and you can be part of that, you have that to live for."

"That's what I wanted!" She sobbed. "But Leona says no, she said she won't let me see her or Yukiko ever again."

"People say things in anger! Things they don't mean!"

"No she means it, she hates me because I tried to show her the holy way! I told her to marry her boyfriend and I told her to bring their daughter up in wedlock; what's to become of Yuki in a home like that? She'd be better off going to a better place!"

"Catherine, you just might be able to convince me you have a right to end your own life, but you know you have no right to take someone else's life!"

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