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Alopex sighed as he watched Leona, Raph and Yukiko leave for Central Park for the fun day through her bedroom window. She hadn't left her room since Tigerclaw had left the other day and she knew everyone was worried about her.

"Honey, I made you so miso soup and some fermented soybeans." Kitsune smiled as she stepped into the room with a tray of food. But Alopex hardly acknowledged her mother.

Kitsune narrowed her eyes before slammed the tray on the desk, causing Alopex to jump nearly three feet from her chair.

"You need to snap out of this state and get back to your family!" She shouted. "Your daughter is worried sick about you and she's got more then enough on her plate with Yukiko and her exams coming up!"

"I know that Mother!" She exclaimed. "I know that you're all worried about me but I can't just put on a smiley face for everyone!"

"You could at least try for your family! Or don't you care about them?!"

"Of course I care about them!" She hissed. "But my marriage is falling apart and my daughter is a teenage mother!!"

"Are seriously still going on about that! It's been 2 and a half years! You seriously need to get over it!"

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!" She screamed at her mother and pushed the older woman out the bedroom. Once She was gone Alopex grabbed the tray and threw it against the wall in a fit of hated rage...


Kitsune sighed as she stared at the bedroom door before heading downstairs. She sat down and turned on the TV but there was nothing on that she found interesting.

She got up and went into the kitchen to make herself some green tea.

Suddenly her cell phone dinged, there was a new message:

-Not going 2 be back for dinner, Raph's treating us both to McDonald u want anything?

Kitsune sighed with a small smile before texting her order. Once it was sent she went back to making her tea.

"Kitsune?" Adam asked when he saw how upset the human woman was.

"Oh sorry Adam, are you alright?" She smiled, but Adam didn't look convinced.

"Come on Kitsune, I know when people are upset, what's wrong?"

"I just don't know what to do with her anymore, it was so easy when she was little, if there was a problem she would always come to me about it, but it seems those day are over." She sniffed.

"Hey don't be like that, sure she might not be little anymore but she's still your daughter." He smiled and he rubbed her back in reassurance. "You know what, I think I know what would make her happy again." He smiled and pulled something out of his pocket...


It was night when Leo got home with Yuki. The little turtle had smudged face paint all over her face, McDonald's food crumbs around her mouth and there was a lot of mud and grass all over her clothes and her Peppa Pig teddy.

She was fast asleep in the back of Raph's truck while her parents were in the front laughing about the day of fun they just had. Leona had her grandmother's order on her lap.

She glanced to Yuki in the back and sighed.

"You couldn't get a backseat put in there?" She said but didn't take her eyes off her daughter.

"Ya know I can't do that." He glared slightly as he drove up to her house.

"Oh yes, your father would tear you a new one if he found out, so where does he think you are right now?" She hissed. He swallowed nervously.

"H-He thinks I'm at Casey's fer a bros night out."

Leo scoffed in disbelief before getting out the car.

"I'll get Yuki, ya should get inside, it's freezing." He sighed as he got out the car and went to get his daughter...


"Where should I put her?" Raph asked when they stepped inside. Leo carried the food and the teddy while Raph held on to Yuki tightly. She was so exhausted that she didn't even stir when he lifted her out the car.

"Just put her down there." She replied and pointed to the couch. "Gran, I've got you're McDonald's!" She called out but got no reply.

"Maybe she went down fer a nap, don't granny's do that?" Raph smirked, but Leo didn't look impressed.

"I think it's time you left, I'll see you out." She said. Raph sighed before he gave his little girl an soft kiss on the forehead, he then headed for the door with Leo close behind him.

"Raph." Leo suddenly said before he opened the door. "Listen, thanks for doing this with us, I know me and Yuki had a great time." She smiled.

"No problem." He smiled before leaving.

Leo went back into the living room where Yuki was still sleeping on the couch. She carefully picked the little turtle up to take her to bed.

She suddenly jumped when she found Adam standing almost directly behind her.

"Oh Gods Adam, you scared me!" She glared at him, but when she tried to get passed him he blocked her path.

"Leona, I'm going to ask you something and I want you to be completely honest with me."...

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