Final Preparations

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Leona was a bag of nerves. It was the day before her wedding to Raphael and everyone was putting the final touches on the wedding Kitsune had spoken to her about their move to Japan and said they'd be able to make the move three days after the wedding.

As they put the final touches on the dresses, Mikey was finishing up the cake.

Raph was out with Casey to pick up the rings.

"So, are you going to keep the dress?" April asked.

"Why?" She asked.

"In case Yuki gets married, are you gonna give her your wedding dress?"

"Maybe she can have it for a prom dress, but hopefully she'll be wearing white on her wedding day."

"If Raph had his way, she won't have a wedding, she's gonna be a little daddy's girl." Donnie laughed. Leo just laughed as she sent Raph a quick text, asking him how things were going. As she waited, Mikey came over to her holding the cake.

 As she waited, Mikey came over to her holding the cake

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"Oh my Gods." She gasped. "Mikey, thank you." She smiled as she gave her future brother-in-law a kiss on the cheek...


That afternoon, after giving Casey the rings to look after, Raph and Leo took Yuki to the park near their apartment. The fresh spring flowers had started blooming and Yuki loved how pretty they were.

When Raph asked why she didn't pick any, she said they were too pretty to hurt.

"So, Gran said we can stay at her house for as long as we want until we find our feet." Leo smiled as he pushed Yuki on the swing.

"That's great babe, that way we won't have ta worry about findin' a place ta live until we get jobs." He smiled.

"About that, I was looking and there's a great medical program I could attend in September when we get there, Gran already said that she'll pay for it if we want."


"Yeah, it'll mean five years out of work but if we'll be living with Gran then I don't think we'd have to worry about it too much."

"Great." Raph smiled as he stopped the swing and sat Yuki on his lap. "Yuki, ya know tomorrow, when I marry Mommy? Well I'm gonna be sayin' words in front of everyone, tellin' them how much I love her; I've also made another speech sayin' how I'm gonna be a better Daddy ta ya fer tha rest of my life."

"I get a ring too?" She smiled and her parents laughed...


Yoshi sighed as he slumped into the couch. His thoughts were on the wedding tomorrow, and he in good consciousness couldn't attend. He knew it was harsh but he just couldn't stand the thought of his eldest son getting married to such a young age to a teenage mother like Leona.

He knew she was a smart girl, but she just wasn't right for his son.

Just then the front door opened. Yoshi looked over, expecting to see his wife, but he was annoyed to see Raphael standing there with a stoic expression.

"I... I promised myself and Leo that I wouldn't try again, but I just want ya to know what yer gonna be missin' tomorrow." He said. "I'm gonna make a speech ta Leo ta show how serious I am about her and Yuki, it'd be nice if ya were there."

But Yoshi didn't even glance at him.

"Dad, do I have ta get on my knees and beg?!"

"Going would be like saying I approve, I may be many things but I'm not a hypocrite." He said.

"Well I hope yer happy." He spat before storming out...

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