Chapter 1

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Hi, My names Casey Jones. I'm a normal 16 year old girl living in Manchester in England.

I live with my mum, dad and my 13 year old brother Nathan.

My life was normal, everyday was just the same thing. I didn't mind but sometimes I just got bored.

I came home from the mall and found my mum, dad and brother in the living room They looked like they were waiting for me to join.

"Okay Guys we have some big news" My dad said. " I got a new job in this really good company" he said. My dad was a business man I didn't really know exactly what he did but I didn't really care to be honest. "Well that's good dad I'm really happy for you" I said with a smile. "Yeah that's great" Nathan said. "But this isn't all" mum spoke now. "Your dads new job is in Chicago, in America"

I was so shocked. I couldn't process it at first. Me living in America?

I always dreamed of living in America. I always thought that when I get older I'd move there and become a therapist there. Now that part of this is actually becoming reality I didn't feel as happy as I should've.

Nobody said anything for a moment. Finally Nathan broke the silence. "That's pretty cool.. but I've got all my friends here, I can't just leave everything behind" he said. "You can always video call them and we could come to England on the summer holidays" my dad said.

I couldn't imagine leaving all my friends. Especially my best friend Lily. We've been best friends ever since we were 5. We did everything together. And there was also josh. I had a crush on him ever since we were 14. He was so cute. But he never noticed me because he was too busy with his slutty girlfriend Amelia.

"When are we leaving?" I asked. "In about 3 weeks so please start slowly packing your things sweetie" my mum replied.

When I told Lily about everything she was in shock. "Wow your so lucky you get to go live in America with all the cute boys and everything" she paused for a moment. "But I'll miss you so much you know that right? You have to face time me every day". She said sounding very serious. "Of course I will, I know I always wanted to live in America but thinking about it now, I'm so scared. I'll have to go to a new school and make new friends. What if they don't like me" I said nervously. " who wouldn't like you your funny and your beautiful. I bet all of the boys will be going after you" she said winking at me then laughing. I laughed with her. Oh, I'm gonna miss her so much.

Hey guys so this is my first ever story that I'm writing. I'm really not good at this so please don't hate. I hope you'll like this story, I'll try to update as much as I can. Thankyou❤️🤗

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