Chapter 18

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It was Monday now. I literally hated Monday. I hated getting up early. I really couldn't be bothered. I got ready as usual and finished some last minute maths homework which was due today. I probably got most of it wrong but I really don't care right now.

Ethan came to pick me up and I realised Grayson was in the car with him. "Hey guys. What are you doing here Gray?" I ask. "My car broke down and it'll take about a week to get it fixed" he said.

The 3 of us walked into school together and a few people started to look at us. Some of them started to whisper. I really didn't care though.

I finally got home from school and saw my mum and dad standing there with their suitcases. They must've got here not long ago. "Mum and dad hi I've missed you so much" I say hugging them "we missed you too darling" my mum says. "I hope you haven't been inviting any boys round here while we emerge away" my dad say. "Of course not" I say lying.

The front door opened and Nathan walked in. I guess I missed him a bit too. "Oh hi Nathan sweetie" my mum says. We all hug. Then I realise Nathan has a bruise under his eye. "Nathan come upstairs for a minute I need to show you something" I say.

I dragged him to my bedroom. "Nath who did this to you?" I ask. "It's nothing" he says looking quite down. "If anyone is bullying you you know you can tell me and I'll help you" I say. "Yes I know can I go now?" He asks. "Wait do you want me to cover up the bruise for you so mum and dad don't see?" I ask. "Yeah please" he says. I got some foundation. Mine and his skin shade were quite similar. I put a tiny bit of foundation under his eye. You couldn't hardly see the bruise anymore.

I know me and Nathan haven't got the best relationship but I will always have his back if anything happens. I'm really worried about him.

The rest of this week was just pretty boring. Me and Grayson messaged each other quite a lot. But in school after we got out of the car in the mornings it's Like he didn't know me. He didn't speak to me at all. I didn't want to say anything coz he might think I'm annoying or clingy but it really upsets me. He also talks to a lot of girls which makes me quite sad too. But he has every right to flirt or kiss girls I guess. Me and him aren't together. And I don't think we will be any time soon.

3 weeks later

The past 3 weeks I haven't spoke to Grayson at all. We stopped messaging each other. He totally forgot about me. I really just give up with him. He was probably just too embarrassed to be with me next to his friends.

Me and Ethan hang out a lot after school. I always tell him everything. We've become such close friends. He sometimes asks if he should talk to Grayson but I just say no. I give up with him. I need to move on. He fucked me then forgot about me.

I've also been getting quite close to Blake Gray. He's in my Geography class and he's such a nice guy. And I'm not gonna lie he's quite attractive too.

We were at school

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We were at school. It was lunch now and we were all sat on our table. Me,Ella,Ashley,Paige,Summer,Shawn and Blake. I was sat next to Blake. My chin was resting on his shoulders. "Can I do something?" He asks. "Umm sure" I say. He cups my checks and kisses me. I heard oooing and whistling. Wow I really wasn't expecting that.

"Wow Blake" I say. The next minute Blake gets punched and falls to the floor. Grayson was stood there looking super angry. "What the fuck Grayson!" I shout. He runs away.

I quickly took Blake to the nurses office. She cleaned his face from blood and gave him some tablets to stop the pain. We walked out of the nurses office. "Blake im so sorry I don't know why Gray did that" I say. "Please just don't get near me" he says walking off. Great. I lost Blake because of Grayson. Why the fuck did he do that. We haven't spoke in 3 weeks.

I couldn't find Gray at school. Lessons were over and now I needed to find Gray. I went to his house after school. Lisa opened the door. "Hello Casey come in" she says letting me in. "Hi Lisa is Grayson here?" I ask. "No unfortunately he hasn't came home yet if you want you can ask Ethan if he knows anything" she says.

I went upstairs to E's room. "Oh um hi C" he says."Where is he?" I ask. "That's the thing. I think he's hiding somewhere" he says. "We'll do you know where?" I ask. "I know places that he could be at right now" he says. "Well lets go" I say.

We got in Ethan's car. "So where does he go?" I ask. "The strip club" he says. "What are you serious?" I ask. "Ye unfortunately" he says.

We went to 2 strip clubs looking for Gray. He wasn't in them. Then we went to another and he wasn't there. I was so disgusted going to them places. "Alright this is the last one" he says. We walked in and started looking around. There was a little corner where there was a stripper and a guy. She was giving him a lap dance. Maybe it was Gray. I went over there. It was him. I shouted Ethan over. Grayson was very drunk. "Leave me alone all of you. Why did you bring the bitch that betrayed me?" He asks him. "What are you talking about? You stopped talking to me" I said. I didn't even want to talk to him. He was too drunk right now.

Me and Ethan took Grayson and took him into the car. We were driving back to Their house. We sneaked into their bedrooms without their mum seeing us. She'd get mad if she saw Grayson in this state.

I took Grayson to his bedroom to put him to sleep. I helped him get into his bed. "Your a hoe how could you kiss that dick? I want you to be my girlfriend your the most perfect girl in the world" he says angrily which caused me to giggle. Apparently people truth comes out when they are drunk. Maybe this was true. He started kissing me. I kissed back. I know it was wrong as he was drunk and I'm supposed to be mad at him but I couldn't stop myself. "Bye Gray" I say.

I went back home and got my pyjamas on and got into bed. I have to talk to Gray tomorrow. I really hope he'll tell me why he was acting like that.

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