Chapter 45

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A month later

Everyone in school knows about my pregnancy now. I don't know how the word got spread but I don't care. People would find out sooner or later.

Grayson has a job at a music record shop. Me and him are still together and we've never been happier.

I got up this morning. I started to get ready for school. Yes I do still go to school. I'm gonna carry on going to school until I'm 7 months pregnant. I obviously still want to get an education.

I did my makeup and got dressed. I've got a little bump and you can't really see it when I have wider clothes on.

I came downstairs and my mum already made me breakfast

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I came downstairs and my mum already made me breakfast. "Hello darling I've made you pancakes and a strawberry and banana milkshake" she says. "Thanks mum" I said. "So how are you feeling?" She asks while I eat my pancakes "not too bad" I say. "That's good" she says smiling.

When I ate my breakfast I got in my car and drove to school. I came out of my car and saw everyone standing there outside of school. The girls and I have started to hang out with Grayson's and Ethan's friends. We've all been getting really close. And I can actually spend more time with Gray at school now. I walk up to them all. "Ayeeee Casey!" Some of the boys shout. I say hi to everyone then finally greet Gray. "Hi babe" I say. "Hey how's my 2 favourite people doing?" He asks grabbing my tummy lightly and rubbing it then kissing me lightly on the lips. "We're doing great" I say smiling. The bell rang and everyone started to walk to their lessons. "I'll miss you" I say smirking. "I'll miss you more baby" he says kissing my cheek.


I was now in the gym for my 3rd lesson. I had gym class with Grayson which I liked. But I obviously couldn't do it so I sat out. The teachers knew the position I was in and they understood which I really respected.

Today everyone was playing dodgeball. I was glad that I didn't have to do it. I'm not the best at sports.

I was sat on the bench. I saw Grayson look over at me. I wave lightly at him. He smiled at me then carried on playing.

Next thing I know... I feel pain. In my stomach. Bad pain. I fell to the floor.

The ball hit my stomach. It hit me hard. I was in so much pain I couldn't get up. I felt a hand grab my arm and pick me up. It was Grayson. "Casey. It's okay I'm here" he says softly. "Grayson- it hurts" I say. He lays me on a table and the teachers call an ambulance.

5 minutes after an ambulance comes and takes me to the hospital. I fall asleep and I don't really remember anything else.

I woke up and I instantly get up from the hospital bed. I went to look for a doctor. "Casey" my mum says. "Mum is everything okay with my baby?" I ask. "The doctor will be coming to tell us soon" my mum says stroking my shoulder. "Where's Grayson?" I ask. "Casey" I hear Gray say. I turn around and see him and instantly hug him. "I'm glad your okay" he says.

After about an hour I could go home. Nothing major happened and our baby wasn't harmed which I was glad about.


The next day I come to school. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm okay. I found out that the person who threw the ball at me was Greg. I hardly speak to him. He plays soccer. I know it wasn't on purpose though.

I was putting my things in my locker and I see Greg coming up to me. "Um Casey- I just want to say sorry" he says. "Oh don't worry it's-" before I could say another word i heard a big slam.

Grayson pinned Greg to the lockers. "You dick. Don't fucking get near her" he says to him. "Grayson stop it was an accident" I shout. He ignores me. I could see the anger in his eyes. All of a sudden he starts punching him. I didn't know what to do. The principal quickly runs and splits them up. "What do you think your doing?" He shouts at Grayson. Gray looks at me. I sigh and walk away. I drive home. I couldn't be bothered to stay there. How could he just start punching him? He knew it was an accident.

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