Chapter 13

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The next few days were just normal. Me and Grayson haven't even spoke to each other. He's been avoiding me all week. What a dick!

It was Saturday now and I decided To ask the girls if they want a sleep over.

•group chat•

Me- Hey do you guys wanna have a sleepover at my house tonight? Xxx

Ella❤️-Yasssss!!! 💕

Paige❤️-Oh yeah sure 💋

Summer❤️- Omg yeah Xoxo

Ashley❤️ -yup It'll be so fun 💝

Me-Okay you can come to my house in about an hour then if you want?

Summer❤️-Ok x

Ashley❤️- okayy

Ella❤️- alrighty

Paige❤️- okaaa xxx

I quickly went downstairs to tell my mum that my friends are staying over tonight. "Aww that's great honey. I haven't met any of your friends yet except Ethan and Grayson" she says.

My bed was a king size so me and someone else could sleep on it. And we also had about 3 air mattresses which was just enough. I took the air mattresses out and the air pump and started getting them ready. I got some snacks and drinks too and took them upstairs.

I heard a knock at the door and went downstairs to open but saw that Nathan opened it before me. "Well hello ladies how can I help you?" He says to them trying to sound flirty. "Nathan your 13 stop flirting with my friends and go upstairs "I say rolling my eyes at him. They all laughed. "Hey guys come in" I say while they come in. "Oh hello there" my mum says to them. "They all say hi to her and we all go upstairs to my room. "Wow your room is so pretty" Ashley says. "Thanks" i say. "There only 3 air mattresses so one of you will have to sleep with me" I say. "I can" Summer says.

We all got into our pyjamas and sat down on the floor Talking about random stuff and listening to music. I couldn't help but to think about why Grayson was acting like that. Why did he kiss me then start ignoring me?

"Casey, Caseyyyyy helloooo" Ella says trying to get my attention. "Oh sorry" I say. "What's up?" Paige asks. "It's nothing I was just thinking about that maybeeeee we should order pizza" I say trying to make something up on the spot. "Great idea" Summer says. I trust them a lot but I just don't want to tell anyone about this.

It was about 12am and We were all layed down and then I felt a pillow hit my head. Summer threw a pillow at me. "I guess we're starting a pillow fight then" I shout. We all started throwing pillows at each other. We all jumped on to my bed and started hitting each other with the pillows. We were all laughing so much. It was really funny.

The pizza finally came

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The pizza finally came. We put Grown ups on. It's such a funny movie we were all laughing so much. I was really glad that I invited them tonight. It took my mind of Grayson.

The next morning we all woke up at about 9. I was actually quite surprised that we woke up this early because we fell asleep at about 2am. We all went downstairs to have some breakfast. Nathan kept trying to flirt with them. "Nath it's never gonna happen so just give up" I say to him. "Oh shut up" he says.

When we finished our breakfast we decided to watch some Netflix for a bit. We watched some episodes of The vampire Diaries. After a few hours we finally got dressed. "I think I'm gonna go home now Case" says Ashley. "Me too it's getting quite late" Summer says. "I am too" Paige and Ella both say. "Okay thank you for coming". "Oh no we thank you. It was so fun. I loved it" Paige says. We all said our goodbyes and they went home.

I suddenly got a text from someone. It was from Jacob Barnes. He was quite popular around school. He was in the soccer team. we hardly ever spoke. He was in some of my classes. I don't even know how he had my number.

Jacob- Hey I'm throwing a party tomorrow night and you should totally come! It starts at 7.

Me-Yeah sure.

Jacob- Okayy. I'll send you the address in a minute.

I haven't been to a party in America before. I guess I went to a few parties in England but not many. I guess it's worth going. I heard Jacob makes great parties. The only problem is that it's on a school night and my mum won't let me. I'll just say I'm staying over at a friends house.

//hey!! I hope your enjoying this story so far. I'm trying to make it the best I can but this is my first story so I'm not the best at this. ❤️Xx

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