Chapter 4

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So today is the first day of school. I had to wake up at 6 to get ready. I decided to put a crop top and some shorts on with a cardigan. I lightly curled my long brown hair and then went to the bathroom to do my makeup. I went for quite a natural look today.

The school I was going to is called Eastwood high school

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The school I was going to is called Eastwood high school. I was so scared. I hope that people will like me.

I went downstairs to eat my breakfast. When I walked downstairs I saw Nathan and mum In the kitchen. "Good morning darling" I heard my mum say. "Hi mum oh and hi shit head" I said to Nathan. He stuck his middle finger up at me. "Both of you just please stop" my mum said. I just laughed. "Where's dad?" I asked mum. "He's already at work" my mum replied. I had some cereal for breakfast. "Do you want me to drop you off to school?" My mum asked us. Me and Nathan both nodded. I put my white converse shoes on and we all got in mums car. It took about 6 minutes to get to Nathan's school then we got to my school. "Bye sweetie I hope you have a good first day". My mums said. "Thanks mum bye" i said and walked out of the car.

When I walked into to the school I went to the office. The lady looked at me and instantly said "You must be Casey Jones" with a smile. I said "yes" and she gave me my timetable and locker combination. I said " Thank you" and smiled at her then walked to my locker.

My first lesson was maths. I hate maths so much. I struggled with finding my class so when I walked in everybody was in their places already. They all turned their heads round to look at me. "You must be the new student Casey Jones" the teacher says "I'm Mr Scuppie welcome to my class". I nodded and smiled at him. "There's only one seat left next to Summer at the back" he says. I walk up to the seat he tells me to sit in and sit down.

"Hi" i said to the girl sitting next to me. "Hey I'm Summer I just want to say your so pretty" she says. "Thank you your really pretty yourself". She seemed really nice. We talked for a bit of the lesson and I told her a bit about myself. "Your accent is so cool" she says. "Thanks I was worried people would laugh at me" I said to her. "Are you kidding?! Nobody will laugh, you should sit with me and my friends at lunch" she says. I said okay. I was glad I made a friend.

When I was walking into science I realised that the boy I saw in Starbucks was there. He was so gorgeous. He started coming up to me and I didn't know what to do. "Hey you must be new, im Ethan Dolan" he says with a smile. "Yeah I am im Casey Jones". I replied. "Have I seen you anywhere before you look familiar?" He asks confused. "Umm I don't think so" I say lying. The teacher walked in. "Hello I'm Mr Pooman you must be the new student Casey Jones. Could you please sit there" he said pointing at an empty seat. I sat down and the lesson started.

Once it was time for lunch I was looking for Summer because she said I could sit with her and her friends. I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and saw that it was Summer she was sat on a table with 3 other girls. I sat down and said hi to all of them. "Girls this is Casey she's new and I said she could sit with us". They all said hi to me and introduced themselves. "I'm Ashley", "I'm Ella" "and I'm Paige" the 3 girls say. They were all really pretty. They all gave me their numbers and said we should hang out some time. We talked for a bit and they told me about the school. Then i saw this hot brunette boy coming over to our table. "Omg Cameron's coming over to our table!" Said Ashley.

"Hey guys who's your new friend?" He asked them smirking at me

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"Hey guys who's your new friend?" He asked them smirking at me. "I'm Casey I'm new" I said to him. I'm not gonna lie he is so hot. "Well welcome to Eastwood high Casey" he said winking. He then walked off and the girls were so shocked. "Cameron is one of the most popular boys in school, he's on the football team" Summer said. "He hardly ever speaks to us, He definitely likes you" said Paige. I smiled a little.

It was finally time to go home. I decided to walk. I put my headphones on and made the music really loud then I heard beeping and saw that it was Cameron in his car. "Hey want me to give you a ride home?" He asked me. I said yes and got in his car. He pulled up in front of my house. "Before you go maybe you could give me you number or something" he says shyly. I gave him my number and thanked him for taking me home and went into my house. "Hey How was your first day at school, did you make any friends" I heard my mum say. "Yeah it wasn't actually that bad" I replied. "See, you had nothing to worry about" she says.

Hey guys I hope your enjoying the story so far💜✨

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