Chapter 31

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I woke up today feeling quite weird. I turned the lights on and put my hair in a messy bun. I put my sleeping gown on walked downstairs.

I guess I was the first one to wake up because nobody else was downstairs. I made myself some cereal and grabbed a bottle of orange juice and poured it into a plastic cup. I sat down on the sofa and put the tv on. There wasn't much on so I just watched the news to see what was going on around the world. Turns out pretty much nothing. Just the same old political shit. I started to eat my cereal while I was watching tv.

I took a sip of my orange juice then put it back on the glass table. I saw Nathan coming downstairs in his boxers. "Ew get dressed please nobody wants to see you like this" I say. He takes a bottle of milk out from the fridge and drinks it. "Get a cup" I say. He was so disgusting at times. But then... most boys were sometimes.

"Where's mum and dad?" He asks. "They're asleep after having night shifts so leave them to sleep"

The doorbell rang. I went to open the door and saw that it was the delivery man. "Hey there" he passes me a little box. I singed on the sheet of paper and thanked him. I knew that in the little box was the makeup that I ordered.

I went upstairs and opened the box. Inside were some eyeshadow palettes that I loved. It was Grayson's and Ethan's birthday today. Me and Gray had a little argument yesterday so I don't know where we stand but I'm still going to his house to wish the twins a happy birthday.

I went to the bathroom to get a shower. I washed my hair. As I came out of the shower I felt water falling down my back. I put a towel around my body and squeeze the water around my hair.

I decided to do my makeup first. I washed my face then dried it with a towel. I put some moisturiser and primer on first. Then foundation, concealer and contour and eyebrow gel. I then put some mascara on and then decided to use one of my new eyeshadow pallets. I used 2 colours out of that and blended it in my eyes.

I then brushed my hair making sure there were no nots or tangles in it. I dried it and curled it loosely. I looked in my wardrobe and saw a dress that I haven't wore before. It still has the tag on it. It was a beautiful floral black and white dress with a sliver belt on it. I put it on and it fit perfectly. I looked at myself in the mirror. I actually looked pretty.

 A few people were coming to the twins house to celebrate their birthday

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A few people were coming to the twins house to celebrate their birthday. They didn't call it a party. Just a little gathering. Mainly the football team. Ella was meant to be going with me as Shawn is going but she text me saying she doesn't feel too well. I'm going to check up on her later.

I walked to the twins house as it was only a few streets away. When I got the twins house I pressed the doorbell. Ethan opened it. "Happy birthday" I say. "Thanks Case" he says while hugging me. I handed him a little bag which had his presents in. He opened it. "Oh Casey you didn't have t-" before he could say another word I cut in and said "no Ethan I did I hope you like it" I say. "I love it. This is the watch I wanted for a long time. Thank you" he says while hugging me again.

I saw Alice walk up to us. Alice was Ethan girlfriend. They've only been dating about a week. She's a lovely girl and I'm really happy for them both. "Hey Casey" she says while hugging me. "Hi Alice nice to see you" I say. "By the way If you and your parents don't mind Could Alice come with us to New York? I want to spend New Year's Eve with her" he says. "Of course we don't mind. It will be so fun. I'm glad I'm not going to be the only girl there now. Expect of the mums of course" I say making Ethan and Alice laugh.

"Where's Grayson?" I ask them. Ethan looks a bit more sad now. "Upstairs. He hasn't came Downstairs. He thought you wouldn't come" Ethan says.

I walk upstairs to find Grayson. His bedroom door was closed. I knock on the door and come in. He was laid on his bed. Once I come in he looks up and sees me. He begins to put a smile on his face. "Casey your here" he says. "Why wouldn't I be?" I ask letting out a little giggle. "I thought u got mad at me" he said. I sit on the bed next to him. "I did. But now I'm not that mad" I say and I lean in. Our lips connected. The kiss was slow and passionate. I loved it.

After we stop kissing I say "happy birthday" and pass him the little bag with the present. He unwraps the little box. He looks up at me. "Casey. You didn't" he says. "I did" I said smiling. "I can't take this" he says. "Of course you can" I say. "An iPhone x must've been so expensive. Thank you baby I love you" he says picking me up and kissing me. This time it wasn't slow. It was fast. He started to take my dress off but I stop him. "No Grayson. That will come later" I say smirking. I lifted my dress up and showed him the thong I was wearing. "Your such a tease" he says smirking.

We went downstairs to see everyone else. I'm excited for tonight. I planned something special for Gray.

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