Chapter 32

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When everyone went home it was just me Gray Ethan and Alice. Alice and Ethan went to the cinemas to watch some romantic comedy a short while after So now it was just the 2 of us.

"Get your car keys. I've reserved a table at a restaurant" I say to him. He smiles. "I should be the one spoiling you" he says. "It's your birthday so I'm aloud to spoil you" I say. "Well I'll spoil you on your birthday. But you have to finally tell me when it is" he says "it's on New Year's Eve" I say laughing. He starts to smirk I don't know why.

We got in the car and I tell him which restaurant to drive to. On the way there we just basically sang songs. When we got there we came inside and the woman led us to a nice little table with a candle in the middle. We sat down. "Wow this is the best birthday I could wish for" he says. I smile at him a little. The waiter comes over and asks what we're getting. We both say what we want to the waiter and she walked away. Whilst waiting for our food we were mainly talking about Different things.

He grabs my hand and looks me in the eyes. "Casey I love you and I want us to last forever. I know that this isn't just a stupid teenage relationship which won't last. I can feel it. You've made me go back to the person I was before. You healed me" he says. I was a bit shocked at what he sad. He was so cute. "I love you Grayson" I said not really knowing what else to say. He left me speechless.

The food finally arrived and we started eating. We were talking about how happy we were for Ethan and Alice. They made a really cute couple.

Grayson and Ethan looked the same but they were a little different on the inside. Ethan is a warm and bubbly loving boy who will treat a girl like a princess. Grayson, when I first met him he was hurt and broken. He was never a bad person though. He's quite mysterious. I'm really glad to be able to see the happier side of him now.

Once we finished the food we went back to Grayson house. When we came in nobody was in. Ethan must've stayed at Alice's house and his parents are on night shifts. So we were by ourselves.

I decided to treat Gray a little. I had some sexy underwear on which I knew he would like.

Once we got in I grabbed Grays arm and led him to his room. As soon as we got in the room I started to get undressed and as soon as I did Grayson did too. "Damn" he says licking his lips. We start to kiss intensely as we start to move to the bed. I start moving my mouth down to his neck and stomach which left marks. I then went down even more. "Oh Come on baby" he says while I carry on.

I jumped on top of him and started bouncing on him faster and faster. "Ohh" he says. I put my fingers on his lips. "Shut up" I say smirking. We then go into doggy position. He grabs my hair and bounces faster still gripping my hair. It felt so good. He then pulled out. I started to suck it more and I felt warm liquid go in my mouth. I swallowed it. "Oh baby that's so fucking hot" he says. "Well I hope you liked it" I say smirking.

I put one of Grayson's tops on which was very long on me. We lay there. He was stroking my hair. I liked when someone played with my hair. I had my hand on his chest. My eyes started to close as I started to feel more sleep. Before I fully closed my eyes I whispered to Gray "I love you"

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