Chapter 39

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASEY" I hear people shout. I opened me eyes. Everyone was there stood in front of me. I realised Grayson was still asleep next to me. He opened his eyes too. "Thank you guys" I say smiling. "Make a wish" my mum says bringing the birthday cake next to me. I blew the candle. It took me a second to think of a wish. I basically had everything I ever wished for.

Everyone walked out of the room except my mum and Lisa. They started looking at me and Grayson. "I told you. No sleeping in bed together" my mum says. "I promised Alice's mum that she won't be sleeping in the same bed as Ethan" Lisa says. "Sorryyy" me and Grayson say in sync which causes us to giggle. "Well anyway happy birthday Casey darling" Lisa says giving me a hug. "Thank you" I say hugging back.

When the mums walk out me and Gray burst out laughing . "Well that was awkward" I say.

We all get ready and went to the metropolitan museum of art. That was great. Then me Alice Cameron and our mums went Shopping and all the boys went go karting.

While shopping I bought myself some really cute outfits. I also bought myself a nice dress for tonight. My mum and dad let me go to a party tonight with Gray, Ethan and Alice. My mum wasn't sure at first but then changed her mind.

After shopping we met the boys at a restaurant. "Hey babe" Grayson says while sitting next to me. "Hey how was go karting?" I ask. "It was so cool. How was shopping?" He asks. "Great. I bought a nice outfit for tonight" I say. He smiles.

When we got back to the hotel we chilled for a bit. Then me and Alice decided to get ready. I showered and washed my hair. I then did my makeup. I love how good the eyes turned out. To finish the look off I put some red lipstick on. I then blow dried my hair and straightened it. "So are you excited for tonight?" Alice asks. "Yeah. It's gonna be so fun. Are you?" I ask. "Of course" Alice shouts and we both start laughing.


"Well look at you 2

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"Well look at you 2. Your so grown up now" my mum says. "Just please be careful out there. If you need anything ring me at any time" she says. "Don't worry mum we will all be okay" I say hugging her.

Grayson and Ethan come into our room. He looked so hot tonight omg. His eyes widen when he sees me. "You look beautiful" Grayson says. I could feel my face blushing.

We now arrived at the party. We walk in seeing loads of people dancing. The music was blasting. "Wow" I say. We all went to get drinks at the bar. We said we were 18 and I guess they believed us. We were all holding shots of vodka in our hands. "3...2...1" I shout and we all chug the vodka. We had 2 more of these. I danced with Grayson most of the time.

Right now we were all drunk. We've had so many shots. Me and Alice went to the toilets to sort ourselves out a bit. We were in the bathroom for about 6 minutes coz we ended up talking about random stuff.

When we walked out we saw a nervous looking Ethan. "Um hey how about we dance" Ethan says to me dragging me and Alice to the dance floor. "Where Is Grayson" I ask. "I don't know" Ethan says. I could see he was lying. I walked off looking for Grayson. Then I see it. My worst nightmare. Grayson was kissing another girl.

He suddenly stops kissing her and sees me. He doesn't do anything. He just looks at me hoping for me to say something. Alice and Ethan were next to me. I heard Alice slap Ethan In the face. "You knew" she shouts to him.

I didn't even know what to say. We both promised each other to stay loyal. He broke the promise. It hurt so fucking much. I walked away. "Wait for me" Alice says while walking behind me. We take the taxi home and go straight to bed.

I was in my bed now. Crying. What did I do wrong? Wasn't I good enough? Why?

So many questions filled my head. I couldn't sleep most of the night I just cried. Alice wanted to help me but I told her I just wanted to be alone for a bit. This birthday ended in the worst way possible.

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