Chapter 38

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So today is New Year's Eve. We were all going to this festival at Brooklyn botanic garden. But that was later in the evening. Today we are going to the Bronx zoo.

I opened my eyes seeing Grayson next to me. It made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Waking up seeing his beautiful face. How did I deserve such a caring boy like him? "Take a picture it'll last longer" he says. I just laugh. "I can't help it your so sexy".

We all get ready and have our breakfast then get in the mini van to drive to the bronx zoo.
We were all walking round the zoo watching the animals. Me and Gray walking holding hands. We stop at the penguins. They were my favourite animals. "Aw aren't they cute Gray?" I ask. He laughs a little. "Not as cute as you" this caused me to blush.

The zoo let us go next to the penguins because they were harmless. I took a selfie with one of the penguins. It looked so cool. I sent it to The girls group chat. They all loved it.

We then went to look at more animals like Zebras, snow leopards, pandas, lions, Fossas, gorillas, giraffes and plenty more animals which I haven't seen before. It was a great experience.
After a while we went to have some lunch then went to look around the zoo more.


We got back to the hotel. We came out of the mini van and walked into the hotel and got greater by the man at the little office. I smiled at him.

I gave Grayson a kiss on the check then me and Alice went to our bedroom to get ready. I did my makeup and made it look pretty and glam then curled my hair and put it in a pony tail.

I walk into the bathroom and jump a little when I saw Grayson combing his hair in there

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I walk into the bathroom and jump a little when I saw Grayson combing his hair in there. "Wow your so hot" he says licking his lips. "You don't look so bad yourself handsome" I say smirking.

Before going I call the girls and catch up with them a little.

"Omg it's your birthday tomorrow I wish we could be there with you" Paige says. "Oh I know but when we get back I might have a party" I say. "Oh cool well you better invite some hotties" Ashley says.

It was now time to go to the Brooklyn botanic garden for the festival.


When we got to the festival we didn't expect as much people here. There were loads of people. the music was blasting and everyone was dancing. We were all dancing and having a great time. "Come on Casey dance with me" Lisa says while dancing. I think she was a bit hyper. I found it pretty funny. I started dancing with Lisa.

"What the hell was that?" Grayson says while I walk back to him. "What are you Jealous that I'm dancing with your mum?" I ask. "No" he says laughing.

The festival was great. Singing, dancing and craziness. This is what I needed.

3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Everybody shouts. It's officially 2018. Me and Grayson kiss. "Happy birthday princess" Grayson says. He remembered. I don't say anything I just lightly kiss his lips again. "Thank you" I say.

Back at the hotel

Alice was in the twins room again sleeping with Ethan and I could sleep with Grayson. I was taking my makeup off and getting in my pyjamas. "Come here" Grayson says. I come sit on the bed next to him.

"Casey, i decided to do this for your birthday even if it may be lame. I love you a lot and I want you forever. I want us to be loyal, love, protect, trust and respect each other through all of our lives" he takes a little box out of his pocket. "This is a promise ring. So that we promise each other to never leave each other's side no matter how tough it gets and always support each other. I have one too" he shows me the ring. "If you are ready to be able to do all this take the ring. If not then I'll understand" he says.

I take the ring out of the box and put it on my finger. It fit perfectly and looked beautifully on my finger. "I promise to do all those things because I love you" I say. Our lips suddenly connect and we kiss slowly and passionately. The kiss stays slow and passionate for a while then turns more heated.

"I freaking love you so much Grayson Dolan"

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