Chapter 34

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So it's the 22nd of December today and we are flying to New York. I'm literally so excited. I woke up at 8 and went to have breakfast really fast. I then double checked if i had everything in my suitcase that I needed. Our flight was at 1 so we were all around the house getting ready to go. After I fully packed my suitcase I got dressed and did my makeup. I straightened my hair a little too.

So it was 12 now and we were setting off

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So it was 12 now and we were setting off. We were meeting the Dolans and Alice at the airport. One of Nathan's friends Aaron was going with us too so Nathan didn't have to feel lonely. We put our suitcases in the boot and set off to go to the airport. Once we got to the airport we met up with the Dolans. The twins sister Cameron was there too with her boyfriend. Shes not home much because she's at uni. I said hi to Gray's parents, Cameron and her boyfriend and then said hi to Alice and Ethan and hugged them. I then hugged Gray. We kissed lightly.

Whilst waiting for the plane we basically just had some food and took selfies. It was now finally time for us to get on the plane.

We came on the plane and I sat with Grayson. Alice and Ethan sat together and Cameron and her boyfriend Sam did too. My parents and the twins parents sat together too. And Nathan and Aaron sat together.

When we sat down we heard a voice say. "Hello this is your captain speaking. it should take about 2 hours to get from Chicago to New York so please get comfortable and enjoy the flight. Thank you".

I was sort of nervous for this. I'm scared of flying in planes. I fear that it will brake and crash. I was really nervous now. I didn't realise I started shaking. I felt Gray grab my hand. "It's okay I gotcha" he says. His touch made me instantly feel so much better. I felt so much safer. I lean my head on his shoulder whilst we're still holding hands. The plane started to move and then finally it lifted off the ground.

The plane ride was pretty boring. I ended up falling asleep on Grayson.

"Babe" I heard a soft voice say to me

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"Babe" I heard a soft voice say to me. "We're in New York" Gray says as I open my eyes. I looked at his gorgeous sparkly eyes and smiled.

We were now off the plane and on the way to our hotel. I was looking though the window in the taxi admiring the view. It was beautiful. I was so excited to go see all these places.

When we finally got to the hotel we had to figure out who had each room. The sleeping arrangements were Cameron and Her boyfriend Sam were in one room, My parents in one room, Mr and mrs Dolan in one room, Sam and Aaron, Grayson and Ethan and then me and Alice were in one room. We weren't aloud to sleep with our boyfriends unfortunately but that's okay. I'm just glad I still get to spend Christmas with Grayson.

Me and Alice came into our room. "I'm having this bed" I say while pointing to a bed next to the window. we put our suitcases next to our beds. I went to look at the view out of the window. It was amazing.

We settled in and sorted everything out and it was now 5 o'clock. We were all a bit tired so we decided to just go to a restaurant which was in the hotel.

At the restaurant I was sat next to Grayson. I got some lasagna and Gray got some pizza. Another thing that the twins had in common was definitely their love for pizza. They loved it.

After we finished our food we all went to our rooms. I was pretty tired to be honest so I just gave Grayson a kiss and said bye to him.

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