Chapter 7

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The next Day i came to school. I was meant to be going to Grayson's house to do our history project. I couldn't find him anywhere at school though. My last lesson was history anyway so I'll talk to him about it then.

It was lunch and I was sat with the girls like usually. "Hey do you want to do something after school today?" Summer asked us all. "Sorry I can't I'm going to Grayson's house after school to do our history project" I say. "Well be careful he might try stuff with you" Ashley says. "Don't worry he won't I'll just ignore him if he tries to flirt with me". I say.

It was last period and I sat down at my seat but Grayson wasn't there yet. He finally came in late and I realised he had hickeys on his neck. I'm not even gonna bother asking him where he's been because I think I already know.

"Hey Babe" he says smirking. "Hello there" I say rolling my eyes. "Are we still doing the project today at yours?" I ask him. "Yeah babe" he says. "Don't call me that" I say frustrated "why shouldn't I" he asks smirking at me. "Because" I say and just ignore him for the rest of the lesson. The lesson was over and I walked with Grayson to his car. The car drive wasn't too long. Grayson put the radio on and started singing "Look what you made me do, look what you made me do, look what you just made me do, look what you just made me do" really loud which caused me to laugh.

We finally arrived at his house. It was pretty big. Definitely bigger than mine. We walked in and I saw Grayson and Ethan's mum. "Hey Casey how are you" she says smiling. "Hi Mrs Dolan I'm good Thank you how are you?" I say smiling back at her. "I'm fine thank you" she replies. "Are you staying for dinner" she asks. Before I even got to say anything, Grayson says "Yeah she is mom" smirking at me. We went upstairs. I searched on the internet for information about the Cold War as Grayson didn't know anything about it either. I wasn't surprised. he never listens in class. I started writing some ideas down while he was just sat there staring at me like an idiot. "Can we take a brake?" He asks. "We haven't even hardly done anything" I say annoyed. " ugh I know but this is boring can you just do it for me? He asks. "Your not doing anything anyway so I practically already am" I say.

After a bit of writing I ask Grayson "where was Ethan today I haven't seen him in school". "Oh he's ill he's in his bedroom right now if you want you can go say hi to him. his bedroom is the one on the right" I say okay and go to Find E's bedroom. I knock on the door and hear him say "come in". I open the door and see him lying in bed looking quite pale. "Hey Ethan are you okay?" I ask him. "Oh hey Case I forgot you were coming today. I'm feeling a bit better now thanks. come sit down." He says. I sit down on the chair next to him. "So on Monday the football team have got a game. I was thinking maybe you wanna come and watch" he says looking a bit nervous. "Yeah of course" I say smiling. "I'm gonna go now. I have to finish that history project" I say. "Let me guess, Grayson's not helping you" he says. "Yup you guessed right. Hope you feel better by Monday for the game." I say getting up from the chair and walking out.

"Guys dinner's ready" I heard Lisa say. Me and Grayson come downstairs. "Casey darling would you be able to take this plate upstairs and give it to Ethan please" she asks. "Of course Mrs Dolan" I say politely."Oh please call me Lisa" she says. I went upstairs to give Ethan his food. He thanked me and I went back downstairs.

"This is delicious Mrs dol, I mean Lisa" I say to her. "Thank you darling but not as delicious as your moms dinner yesterday" she says smiling. After I finished I say "I think I should get home now it's getting late". "Grayson will take you home. Won't you Grayson?" Lisa says. "Yeah of course" Grayson says winking at me.

We were in the car now. "So you coming to the game on Monday?" He asks. "Yeah Ethan asked me to come" I reply. "You should wear something sexy. It will help us win" he says winking at me. When we got to my house I thanked him for taking me home and got out of the car. When I came in the house I saw mum dad and Nath sat watching TV. "Hey Case. Are you and Grayson doing good with your history project?" Dad asks. "Yeah we're doing great I say" I decided to message the girls and ask if their coming to the game on Monday.

•Group chat•
Me-Hey guys are you going to the football game on Monday?

Ella❤️-yeah Shawn's playing😊

Ashley❤️-Yup I think we all are Xx

Paige❤️-Ye I'm going👌

Summer❤️- Me too. All the hot guys r gonna be playing❤️

Me-Good. Ethan and Grayson want me to go.☺️

Summer❤️-Ooo Ethan might like you if he asked you to come😉

Me-I don't think so haha Xx

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