Chapter 9

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It was Monday now. My first lesson was maths which I had with Summer. Mr Scuppie wasn't in today so we had a cover teacher so we didn't really do anything so I had a chance to talk to Summer. "So how was yesterday with Cameron?" She asks. "It was great but to be honest I don't like him in that way but I feel like I'm leading him on" I say to her. "Oh girl, well I think you should be honest with him he should understand but talk to him after the game okay?" She says. "Yeah your right thanks Summer your the best" I say smiling at her.

I came into science and realised that someone was sat in my seat. "Casey could you please move next to Ethan I had to move Meredith to the front" Mr Pooman says. "Yeah sure" I reply to him. "Hey there Case" I heard Ethan say while I sat down in the chair. "Hey E, are you feeling better now?" I ask. "Yeah thanks I'm all ready for the big game tonight" he says smiling. "Well that's good I'll be there to cheer you all on" I say to him. "Do you want me to drop you off home after the game?" He asks. "Yeah sure if that's not a problem" I say. "Of course not" he says smiling.

I got home. The game started at 5 so I had quite a bit of time to get ready. I washed my hair then blow dried it and straightened it. I picked my outfit (the outfit on the picture). Then I did my makeup. I decided to do a smokey eye makeup.

My mum was dropping me off at school

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My mum was dropping me off at school. "Thanks mum. Ethan will be dropping me off home so you don't have to come for me. Love you bye" I say to my mum. "Okay sweetie have fun I love you lots" she says.

I met the girls outside and we walked in school. I decided to find Ethan and Cameron and wish them good luck for the game. I stood outside the boys locker room and I wasn't sure wether I should go in or not. All of a sudden Grayson bumped into me while he was walking. "Oh hey there baby girl didn't see ya there" he said smirking at me. "It's fine. Please don't call me baby girl. And anyway good look for tonight" I say to him. "Thanks b. You look hottt" he says looking at my outfit" I roll my eyes. Ethan walked out of the locker room and saw me. He bit his lip slightly when he looked at me. "Heyy Case I'm so glad your here you look amazing" he says. "Thank you E. good luck for tonight" I say. We hugged then he went. A few more boys walked out then I saw Cameron. "Casey, your here! You look great. Can we talk after the game?" He asked me. "Yeah I need to talk to you about something" I say to him. "Okay meet me here after the game" he says kissing me on the check and running back to the locker room to get ready.

I went to sit with the girls and after a short while the boys started going on the field. I didn't really understand how you play that. I think it's like rugby in England. I'm not the best at sports. The game started. I realised Ethan had the ball and he was running with it. I shouted "go on Ethan". At the end our team won. Everyone was cheering and clapping. I think they won mainly because of Gray. He was really good at it.

When everyone went I said my goodbyes to the girls and went to look for Cameron. I saw Ethan. "Hey could you wait for me for a few minutes I just need to talk to someone. I'll tell you after" I say to him. "Yeah of course I'll be waiting in the car" he says smiling.

I sport Cameron and shout him over. "Oh hey Case" he says. So I want to talk about Saturday. I really liked it and I like you... a lot." He says. I was a bit shocked. I felt so bad that I didn't feel the same. "Cam... Your such a nice guy anddd I really liked it on Saturday but I just don't like you in that way. I'm really sorry... Can we still be friends?" I say. It was silent for a bit. I saw his smile turn into sadness. "I understand. It's fine we can still be friends" he says with a slight smile. " I need to go now I hope your okay cam bye" I say hugging him. "Bye Casey thanks for being here today".

I go and walk to the car park and notice Ethan's car. I go inside. "Hey thanks for waiting for me E" I say. "So will you tell me why you'r so sad?" He asks looking concerned. I told him about Cameron liking me and me not feeling the same way. "Oh well don't be upset Case it's not your fault I'm sure he understands" he says giving me a warm smile. Ethan was such a nice friend."Thank you Ethan" I say. "I'm always here" he says.

|Hey sorry that I'm not mentioning a lot of Grayson but I actually will get to it I promise😂💖|

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