Chapter 19

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I woke up the next day. I still couldn't believe what happened yesterday. Grayson punched Blake then got drunk and went to a strip club. He said he wanted me to be his girlfriend... but then also called me a hoe. Then we kissed! Wtf. This is all just so confusing.

It was about 8am now. I was in my unicorn onesie. I came downstairs and saw Nathan and dad watching tv. "Hey guys" I said to them. "Hey Case you okay?" My dad asks. "Yeah are you" I ask. "Yeah I just have to go to a few meetings later" he says. My dad worked a lot. He was a businessman and I understood that he had to have a lot of meetings and stuff. But I really miss him being at home more often.

I came into the kitchen where I saw my mum getting ready to go to work. "Hey darling" she says. "Hi mum" I said. "Im setting off to work in a minute. I'm at work till 3 so keep an eye on Nathan please" she says. "Okay mum" I said. My mum was a nurse. my mum and dad were both going to work now.

I made me and Nathan some bacon and eggs. We sat down on the couch and watched tv."so how's school?" I ask him. "Good" he says. I'm still worried about Nathan. I hope he doesn't have any problems at school. If I see anymore bruises on him I'm gonna have to do something about it.

"Hey so can I invite the twins to come over?" I ask. "Yeah sure they're quite cool" he says. I was so nervous to talk to Grayson. But i needed to. I messaged Ethan because I was too embarrassed to message Grayson after what happened yesterday.

Me-Can you and Grayson come over now please?

Ethan-Yeah we'll be there soon

I didn't know what I was gonna say to Grayson. What if he actually thinks I'm a hoe and he doesn't like me.

I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll open it" I say. I went to the door and opened it. Grayson and Ethan were stood there. I let them in. I led them to the living room. They said hi to Nathan and he said hi to them. "Omg I love this movie" Ethan says to Nathan. "Oh me too" Nath says. Ethan sat down on the couch and they both started talking about the Movie that was playing on the television.

"Should we go upstairs and talk?" I ask Grayson shyly. "Yeah sure" he says. We both go to my bedroom. I was really anxious about this talk. ahhh!

We came into my bedroom We sat down on my bed. There was an awkward silence for a bit.

Then finally the silence broke. "I'm so sorry Casey... for everything" he says. "I just don't understand. You stop talking to me for 3 weeks and you knew how much I like you. Then when I try to get over you, you ruin it for me and punch Blake!" I say letting my anger out. "I know I'm a dick. I punched Blake because I was jealous. I stopped talking to you. I needed time to think. I didn't think I was ready to have feelings for someone again. I got too scared and I'm so sorry for hurting you. I still have feelings for you. You know that right?" He says looking really upset.

I hugged him. He hugged me back. And honestly it felt amazing. I missed him so much. I know he didn't mean to hurt me. He was too scared. And I understand that.

"I thought you were too embarrassed to talk to me in front of your friends" I say. "What?! I would never be embarrassed of you. I'll prove it to you on Monday" he says. I wonder what he meant by that.

"So I can't really remember what happened last night I just remember getting drunk and going to a stripper club. I go there when I'm angry and drunk. I don't know why" he says. "Well me and E found you and we took you into the car. You called me a hoe but then said you wanted me to be your girlfriend and that I'm the most beautiful girl in the world and then we sort of kissed" I say. "Oh well that's confusing. Well all the things I said are true. Expect the Hoe part. Your definitely not a hoe and I'm sorry for calling you that" he says. "It's fine" I say.

"You know Casey you've changed me so much throughout these past weeks. I haven't slept with any girls for the past 3 weeks. I've realised how much of a fuckboy I was. I finally feel alive again" he says. I smiled at him we kissed for a few seconds. Then we went downstairs to Ethan and Nathan.

We walked downstairs smiling. I saw relief on Ethan's face. I guess he realised that we were okay now. We all sat down on the couch and watched movies.

I was glad that me and Grayson were taking again. I never want to loose him again. And I won't.

//hey!! So what do you think is gonna happen in the next chapter?🤷🏽‍♀️☺️💜

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