Chapter 28

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Today I was going to the mall with Mathew. The twins' birthday is coming and I want to buy them something so I decided to go with Mathew. He's probably the nicest out of all of Grays and Ethan's friends and he said he'd help me pick something out for them.

I woke up and got ready. I did my makeup lightly and straightened my hair then got dressed.

I was chilling downstairs for a bit with my dad

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I was chilling downstairs for a bit with my dad. Nathan was at his soccer practice and mom was with him. "Dad I'm going to the mall with a friend I'll home soon" I say while getting up from the couch. "Okay darling" he says while drinking his coffee. I put my leather jacket on and walk out the door while shouting bye to my dad. When I got out I realised that Mathew was already waiting for me in his car. I got in and way down. "Hey" I say "hey Casey" he says.

The car journey was boring. The traffic was really as bad as usual. We parked outside of the mall and went inside the mall. "So where first?" He asks. "Well i wanna buy Ethan this watch he wanted for so long" I say. "That sounds like a nice present. Let's go" he says. We went to the shop and I saw the watch I wanted to buy him. "Wow that's kind of expensive" Mathew says. "I know but I love the twins a lot and they deserve nice things" I say. I bought the watch and then we started to walk round the mall.

"I'm not sure what to get Gray. I want to get him something that he'll like" I say. "Well he did say he'd love to have a new phone because his is broke" he says. "That's it! I'll buy him the new iPhone X" I say. "Wow you really are a good girlfriend" he says. "I know"

I went to the Apple Store and bought Grayson an iPhone X. It did cost me quite a lot but I have quite a bit of money saved up. I also bought him and Ethan some aftershaves.

When I had everything I needed me and Mathew decided to have something to eat. While walking past I saw a girl from our school. She was called Isobel. We didn't talk much but I still smiled at her when I walked past her. We went to McDonald's. We ordered our food and sat down and started eating. "Thank you for helping me today Mat" I say. "It's no problem" he says smiling at me. After we had our food Mathew dropped me off home. "Thanks again Mathew I'll see you on Monday" I say. "It's okay and yeah I'll see you on Monday bye" he says. I head home. I came home to see Nathan and some of his friends sat on the couch. "Hey guys" I say. "Oh hey mum and dad went out and I'm just hanging out with my friends" he says. "Okay" I say being a little weirded out as his friends kept staring at me.

I went to my bedroom and video called the girls for a bit. I told them about what I bought for the boys. "An iPhone X?!" Paige shouts. "Wow I bet he'll love it" summer says. "I also bought some sexy underwear" i say winking. "Oooooh" Ella says. "He's one lucky guy" Ashley says laughing making us all laugh. I suddenly hear whispering outside my door. I whisper to the girls to be quiet and I quietly walked towards my door. I opened the door and saw Nathan and 3 of his friends standing there. "Were you listening to my conversations?" I ask. "No of course we weren't" they say. While walking away Nathan says "sexy underwear what the fuck" while laughing. "Nath just shut up" I shout. I went back to my bedroom and spoke to the girls for a little longer.

I was sat on my bed and got a text from Gray.

Grayson💙-hey baby ❤️Why were you at the mall with Mathew today?

I didn't know how to explain it to him or what to say. I wanted this to be a surprise and I don't want to tell him what I was doing at the mall with Mathew yet.

Me- I was just there by myself and saw Mathew so we started waking round together. Anyway how do u know? ❤️

Grayson💙-Isobel told me ❤️

Me- Well we were just walking around the mall for a bit then he dropped me off and that's all

Grayson💙-Okay baby❣️

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