Chapter 52

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9 years later
Grayson's POV

"Alex!" I shout from downstairs while eating my pancakes. "Coming" I hear him shouting.
Soon he ran downstairs. "Breakfasts ready" I said passing him a plate of pancakes. He sat next to me. "Are we going to see mom today?" He asks.

So Casey is still in a coma. She's been in a coma for the past 9 years. I've been believing for so long that she'll come back. She'll open her eyes again. But I'm slowly starting to lose hope. I miss her. But I never have and never will set eyes on another woman. She's everything to me. I miss her so much.

Alex is 10 years old now. I raised him by myself with a little help of people. My parents and Casey's parents have helped me so much. Ethan and Alice have too. Alex usually goes to theirs to play with Daisy and Max. Alice found out she was pregnant about 4 months after Casey went into a coma. He's 8. They all have a great relationship.

(A/n- This is Alex now😍)

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(A/n- This is Alex now😍)

We all visit Casey at the hospital quite often. When I go by myself I sometimes talk to her and just tell her what been happening in our lives even if I know she can't hear me.

"Yeah Alex we'll go visit mom and then we'll go swimming if you want" I said finishing off my pancake. "Okay" he says. I can see that it's tough for him. He's trying to stay strong though. We all are.

We're now going to the hospital for a bit to visit Casey. I locked the door and we both got into the car. We put the radio on and drove towards the hospital.

Once we got there we went to the usual room she was in. We came into the room. She was laid there. She looked so beautiful. I took out the previous flowers from the vase on the table next to the bed and put new ones in. Red roses. Her favourites. We both sat down next to her. I grabbed her hand. Her skin was so soft. We sat there in silence for a bit until I heard a soft voice.

"Grayson" Casey says while opening her eyes. I quickly jumped up from my chair. "Oh my god Casey your awake" I say in amazement. She looks over at Alex weirdly. "Are you-" before she could say anything Alex says "I'm Alex. You've been in a coma for 9 years mom" he says softly looking quite scared. I guess he wasn't expecting this to happen. He probably doesn't know what to say. Casey looks quite shocked. "Alex. My son. You're so beautiful" she says. We shouted a doctor to come over.

Few days later
Anna's POV

Today I was coming home. I can't believe I was in a coma for 9 years. I missed 8 years of my sons life. This kills me. I'm just glad that I can be here for him now.

We pulled up at our house. It looked exactly the same as last time I saw it. We walked inside the house and there were loads of people inside. My family and friends were there. When I greeted Alice and Ethan they were with 2 children who I assumed were their children. I know 1 one was Daisy. But I didn't know who the little boy was. "Hi I'm Max" he says. "I'm Casey" I said to Max and Daisy. "They know. they've been visiting you with us every week" Alice says. "Aw really" I say smiling. I was catching up with everyone all day. And when everyone went home I started talking to Alex. He's a lovely and well behaved boy. Grayson brought him up so well and I couldn't be prouder of him.

"Goodnight mom" he says. "Goodnight darling" I said kissing Alex's cheek and leaving the room. I came into our room now. On the little table was a picture of me. Grayson had it here all this time? He waited for me for so long? I got into bed with Gray. "Casey. I'm so glad that you're here now. Just know that I never stopped loving you and I never would. There wasn't a day that I didn't think about you" he says looking into my eyes. "I love you so much" I said not realising that tears started to form in my eyes. They were rolling down my cheeks now. He wiped the tears of my face. "I love you more" he whispered kissing my lips lightly.
"Thank you for healing me"

The end

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