Chapter 41

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A week has passed and Grayson has been calling me and texting me non stop. He's came to my house a few times too but I told my mum to tell him I'm not in. I don't want to talk to him at all.

I hear another knock on the door. Oh no it's Grayson again I think to myself. I suddenly saw Ethan come in my bedroom. "Ethan don-" he cut me off and said "Casey please at least just talk to him. He's at home and he's not coming out of his bedroom". "What? Why is he upset?i should be the one who's upset not him. He's the one who cheated on me!" I shout. "He really regrets kissing that girl. He was drun-" he said and I quickly said "that's not an excuse". I was angry now. "Ethan- please- just go" I say in a softer voice.

A short while after my mum comes in. "Darling, are you okay?" She asks sitting next to me and hugging me. "No" I say bursting out crying. "Casey darling you can't keep avoiding him. You will just carry on being upset. If you want you can stay at home tomorrow though" she says. "No It's fine mum" I say. "I love you baby" she says. "I love you 2 mum".

So today it's the first day back of school and I'm really scared to see Grayson. What if he tries to talk to me?

I woke up and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and put some moisturiser on. I put a bit of foundation and mascara on. Then I put some jeans and a great vest with a Nike jacket. I didn't have anyone to impress so what was the point of trying?

 I didn't have anyone to impress so what was the point of trying?

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I grabbed a banana and quickly ate It. Then I grabbed my bag and walked to my car.

I parked my car and walked out. When I walked into school I felt a few eyes stare at me. I guess the rumour about me and Grayson is already going round. I went to my locker to get my geometry books. I got my books out and started putting them in my bag. I closed my locker and jumped a little when I saw Mathew. "Oh hey Matt" I say. "hey Casey what's happened with you and Grayson?" He asked. "Hasn't he told you? He kissed a random girl" I say. "What the Fuck. I thought he changed". "Me too" I say.

It was now lunch and I actually managed to not bump into Grayson yet. But I'll probably end up seeing him. I sat with the girls and Blake and Jacob. Yeah me and Blake are okay now. We're back friends.

I was walking to the bin to throw my rubbish away and I felt a hand grab my arm. I turned around and saw that it was Grayson. I didn't even want to look at him I just kept my head down. "What do you want?" I ask him. "Why haven't you answered my calls or texts?" He asks. "WHY? because you cheated on me with a random girl in New York and I want nothing to do with you. You broke the promise" I shouted and I felt a few people look. Oops. He dragged me to a more quieter place. "Look, Casey I'm so sorry it was a mistake and I don't know why I did it I don't like that girl. The only girl I will ever love is you" he says. "I can't trust you after this Grayson. Please just stay away from me" I say walking away from him.

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