Chapter 16

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I woke up this morning and could hardly walk from last night. I went to look in the mirror and realised I have hickeys on my neck. I covered them with foundation. I guess you couldn't see them that much.

I did my makeup and straightened my hair. Then I chose my outfit for today. I had my breakfast then waited for Ethan to pick me up.

"Hey" I said while getting in the car

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"Hey" I said while getting in the car. "Hey Casey. Grayson told me everything yesterday and he also told me about your feelings for each other" he says. "Well I'm glad he told you but I guess we like each other but I don't think I'td work out. He's still a bit too scared to be in a relationship" I say. "You made a great effort of trying to cover them hickeys but you know you can still see them right?" Ethan says laughing. "I know shit head but at least I tried I'll just say it's bruises from Cameron I guess" I say.

That's another thing. I cant trust boy anymore. After what Cameron did I feel scared that another boy will hurt me like that. I haven't got any trust for males right now.

We got to school and I saw Grayson standing next to my locker. "Hey sexy" he says. "Hi Gray" I say back. "Having a little trouble walking today?" He says laughing. "Yes I am actually" I say smacking him and laughing.

I was scared that Grayson would've fucked me over after we had sex but I guess he didn't. I was relieved.

Me and Ashley were in Gym class and she looked at my neck. "Well are you gonna tell me who did this to you?" She asks. Shit. I didn't know what to say. "Grayson" I say. "What!! Wow you had sex with him?" She asks. "Yeah but please don't tell anybody" I say. "I won't I promise" she says. She must think I'm some stupid slut now.

When I got home I decided to go on a little walk round the neighbour hood. I was walking and ended up next to the Dolan's house so I decided to go see what they're doing.

I knocked on the door. Grayson opened it. He was shirtless and looked a bit nervous. "Casey what are you doing here?" He asks. "I just came to stop by I was walking round the neighbour hood a little bit" I say. "Well I'm a bit busy helping with my mum right now so" before he could say anything else he got cut off by a blonde girl walking downstairs she had Grayson's shirt on. "Hurry up Grayson" she says to him. "I'll be up there in a minute" he says.

I was disgusted. I can't believe he'd do this to me. "Um I think I'll go now I can see that your busy helping with your mum" I say. "Casey no please I'm sorry" he says. I walked away.

I came home and I couldn't stop myself. I started crying my eyes out. I was so hurt. I thought he actually liked me but all he wants is to have sex with girls. I know that we weren't together or anything but I thought that we could be soon. I was so stupid to think all that.

I had a lot of missed calls from him. But I didn't even want to talk to him right now. I saw that Ethan called me a few times too but I ignored him too.

I called Lily. I miss her so much. "Hey what's up why are you crying?" She asks. And I told her everything. "What a dick!" Was the first thing she said. "Casey you are an amazing girl and he is just a disgrace to this world. You need to stay away from him because he'll hurt you" she says. I know she was right. But it was hard to stay away from him.

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