Chapter 22

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So I wasn't grounded anymore and it was autumn break so we had no school for a week. Me and Grayson usually just hung out at his. Our family came to dinner to their house because we got invited. And it was kinda awkward. I didn't exactly want my parents knowing that we're dating. They'll start getting really over protective. When they asked about the necklace I said I bought it. They didn't see the writing on it.

Tomorrow was Halloween. Me and Grayson were pretty excited for tomorrow. We've got our costumes picked out. I was downstairs watching a movie with mum dad and Nathan. "So what time are you going to that party tomorrow?" My mum asks. "It starts at about 7" I say. "Don't do anything stupid and be home no later than 2" my mum says looking serious. "But make sure to have fun. I remember going to parties when I was your age. I had so much fun" he says smiling. My mum looked at him annoyed. "But remember don't do anything stupid" my mum said again.

Nathan was going to a little party that one of his friends are having. "Are you excited to go to your little lame party?" I ask him. "Oh shut up its gonna be cool we're gonna get super drunk" he says. I laugh a little. "What on juice?" I say laughing. My parents let out a little giggle too. "You'll be going to proper parties when your older son. Don't worry your time will come" my dad says.

I heard a lot of stories that my dad was like really popular in school. So was my mum too. So they let me go to parties and stay out late and they weren't too strict about it. Well my dad wasn't anyway. But since the thing with Cameron happened they've been very worried about me. I understood why I was sort of scared to go out on the streets at night too.

It's Halloween today but the party doesn't start till 7. All day I was just in my unicorn onesie watching scary movies. My mum and dad were at work till 7 so I wouldn't see them till tomorrow.

"Hey babe" Grayson says wrapping his hands round my waist and hugging me. Grayson came over because I was going to be doing his makeup. It was quite hard to do but I think I did a pretty good job. Then after I did my own makeup. We had different colour eye contacts with looked really cool. Then We got dressed.

"You look sexy as fuck" he says smirking at me

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"You look sexy as fuck" he says smirking at me. "And you look super hot" I say to Grayson. I would kiss him but that would ruin the makeup. Grayson grabbed my butt and squeezed it. "All the things I want to do to you right now" he says smirking. That turned me on a bit.

"Okay lets go" I shout. We were dropping Nathan off at his friends house because it was on the way. He was dressed as a wolf. We arrived at the boys house. It looked like there was a lot of people there. "Wow you really did mean it" I said. "Told you it's a big party. Bye" he says and walks out. We were now heading to Nash's house.

We arrived. There was lots of people there already. We walked in. "Oh heyyy guys you both look amazing especially you Casey" he says licking his lips. "You better stop man" Gray says. "I'm only joking... sort of" he says. We went to say hi to the other boys. The all kept looking at me. I guess I did dress a bit too sexy.

The girls didn't want to go to the party except Ella. She was going with Shawn. "Hey guys" I say to them. "Omg hey hi both look amazing" Ella says to me and Gray hugging me. "You both look great too" I say. Ella looked amazing.

We were both dancing with each other and sometimes with our boyfriends and other girls that we knew

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We were both dancing with each other and sometimes with our boyfriends and other girls that we knew. We did have a lot of alcohol and drink some shots. I was pretty drunk.

I saw Blake Gray. We haven't spoke since Gray punched him. This wasn't the right time to speak to him. I was to drunk. He was coming up to me. He looked veryyy drunk. "Hey you look fucking amazing" he says getting quite close to me. "Um thanks" I say. He starts grabbing my butt. "Stop" I say. Then he grabs my boobs. "You look so fucking hot I want to fuck you so hard" he says. He doesn't stop touching me all over. "Blake stop" I say quite loud trying to go but he held me tight. It reminded me of the time with Cameron. I started panicking. I was crying. I heard Gray come over with a few more guys. "Let go of my girlfriends you bastard" he shouts and starts punching him until Blake is on the floor. One of his friends zach took Blake and took him out. Everyone was talking about this. "Your okay princess I'm here everything's going to be okay" he says hugging me. His voice calmed me down. I know he was drunk and probably didn't know what he was doing. But I didn't think Blake would ever do that.

I think it was nearly 12. We said our goodbyes and got in Gray's car. "You wanna come to mine for a bit?" He asks. "No I'm a bit tried could you take me home?" I ask hardly been able to speak. "Yeah sure" he says. We were outside my house now. It was usually Grayson that kissed me first or grabbed my body. But I was really drunk and just really wanted to kiss him. I started kissing him intensely. We were making out for a few minutes. Then he let go. "What?" I ask. "Your drunk babe go home well speak in the morning" he says. "Bye babe" I say walking out of the car.

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