Chapter 12

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It was Monday now and I'm going to be going to school for the first time after that happened. I was sort of scared. I'm probably the talk of the school right now.

Me and Ethan have got so much closer lately. We text and call very often and I feel like I can tell him anything. He's my boy best friend. I guess me and Grayson have got a lot closer too. I mean he saved me from getting raped. I'm so thankful. He can be really nice but when he's in school he's just a dick.

Ethan was supposed to be picking me up today. He said he'll drive me to school. I did my normal morning routine then went downstairs to have some breakfast. Once I finished my toast I got a text from Ethan saying he's outside my house. I quickly got my bag and put my shoes on. My mum came up to me. "I hope you have a good day sweetie. If anything happens or you feel too nervous to stay at school call me any time you want I love you lots" she says hugging me. "I love you too mum bye" I say walking out of the door.

I came into Ethan's car. "Hey Eth" I say. "Hey Case. How you feeling?" He asks. "Fine I guess just a bit scared to be honest" I say. "It's gonna be fine I'll be with you through it" he says. "Thank you E" I say.

We were now outside of school. "You can do this" Ethan says smiling at me. We started walking into school and everyone's eyes were on me. I felt so uncomfortable. I was right. I was the talk of the school. I did try to cover my bruises but you can still see them quite a lot. I walked to my locker still feeling like everyone's staring at me. Ethan was still with me. "You okay?" He asks. "Ye" I say not exactly telling the truth.

First few lessons were okay. Everyone was coming up to me asking how I'm feeling. I guess I'm glad that people care about me. At lunch I saw Grayson walk up to our table. "Hey Casey do you want to come to my house after school to finish that history project?" He asks. "Yeah sure" I reply. "Okay I'll talk to ya later" he says and walks off to some girl. "He's never gonna change" says Ashley. "Oh I know but I owe him a lot Ash" I say to her.

School was finished now and I was waiting for Ethan outside of school I looked behind me and saw Grayson making out with the same girl he was making out with at lunch. When she walked away I saw him walk over to me. "Hi who are you waiting for?" He asks. "Ethan. He's dropping me off home" I say to him. "Well tell him to take you to our house so we can finish the project" he says. "Okay" I say. This is very weird. Since when is Grayson desperate to do homework? I saw Ethan and told him to take me to his. I messaged my mum and told her that I'm going over to the Dolans house to finish a project with Grayson.

Me and Ethan walked in and Grayson was already home. "Hi Lisa" I say to their mum. "Hello darling. How are you feeling now?" She asks. "I'm better now thanks" I say. "Come on Case" I heard Grayson say leading me upstairs.

"Okay can we just finish this I want to get it over and done with" he says. "Since when do you want to do school work?" I ask. "I just want to get it finished. I bet your sick of me already" he says. Why is he acting so weird. I don't get it. We finished the project not talking about anything else other than the work. I needed to know what was up with Gray.

"Grayson what's up?" I ask him. He was facing the floor not lifting his head up at all. "Nothing" he says. I moved a bit closer to him. "Come on you can tell me" I say. He finally lifted his head "I said it's nothing" he says sounding quite angry. "Oh come on Gray". Grayson looked at my lips for a moment. He started moving closer. He then kissed me. It felt... good. He kiss started to get more passionate until he pulled away. Then I realised. Was he using me so I can be another one of them girls he fucks then forgets about the next day? I tried to hide that I enjoyed the kiss. "What was that Grayson?" I ask confused. "You should go" he says not making any eye contact with me. I walked out not looking back at him. "Ethan take me home please" I say. "Okay what's up?" He asks. I didn't even feel like telling anybody about this. "Nothing I just have to go home now" I say giving him a fake smile.

I was home now. I didn't understand. I trusted him. He just wanted to use me like all the other girls. He's never gonna change.

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