Chapter 2

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It was the day. The day that we were leaving England. I honestly couldn't imagine living anywhere else other than Manchester. I've been living in the same house in the same city ever since I remember. This was gonna be such a big change in my life. I don't know how to feel at this point.

While dad was putting all of the suitcases in the boot I was saying my goodbyes to all my friends. We all started getting really emotional and started crying like babies. Especially me and Lily.

When my friends left only Lily stayed. "I'm gonna miss you so much babe" she said making me feel so sad. "I'll miss you too but don't worry we can always call, whenever you need me you know you can always call me" I said. We hugged for about 3 minutes until it was time to set off. Me and Lily said our goodbyes and then she went home. I turned around to look at my old house one last time. This made me really upset. We have so much memories in that house. birthday parties, sleepovers and much more great memories.

The airport wasn't too far. It was about a 15 minute drive. I looked out of the window. "You okay sis" Nathan asked. I nodded. It hardly ever happens that me and Nathan are nice to each other but at times like this we always support each other. "Are you okay Nath?" I asked. "I guess but I'm so nervous". He said. "Me too bro". I sighed.

When we finally got to the airport we got through all of the security and stuff. "Who's hungry?" My dad says. "Me". Me and Nathan said at the same time laughing. We went into this little restaurant. I got a small pizza. It wasn't too bad but it'll never be as good as a dominos pizza.

Last time I was on a plane was 2 years ago when we went on holiday to Gran Canaria. But I've never been on a plane going that far. It's supposed to be first class.

When we were finally lining up to get on the plane I started feeling even more nervous. But then positivity hit me. I'm going to America!

We got on the plane and I was sat with Nathan and mum and dad were in front of us. It definitely did look like first class. More comfortable than the other planes I've been on. There was a little Tv to watch for every seat. I put Mean girls on. No matter how many times I've watched it, it just never gets boring. Then I watched a few more movies.

"We are now landing in Chicago so please could everyone put their seat belts on we will be arriving shortly, thank you" I heard the stewardess say.

We finally arrived. I walked out of the airplane. The air here smelt so different. It looked so different. I felt excited.

Hey guys, I hope your enjoying this story up to now😊❤️😊❤️

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