Chapter 24

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A few days past by and we were now going back to school. I really couldn't be bothered to go to school. I was really tired. I picked my outfit for the day and did my makeup and brushed my hair.

Once I was ready I started walking to school

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Once I was ready I started walking to school. When I was just outside of school I saw a girl walking up to me. the closer she got the more I realised she's pregnant. She looked about my age. I didn't recognise her from anywhere. She was close to me now. "Are you Grayson Dolans girlfriend?" She asks. "Yeah why?" I ask. "Well I'm having a baby as you can see. And that baby is his" she says. I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. But then he did sleep with so much girls. It is possible. I was speechless. "So you silly little bitch better stay away from my GrayGray because if you think he'd stay with you instead of being with me and our baby then your stupid" she says. I don't know if she was telling the truth. But if she was then she was right. Grayson wouldn't stay with me. I didn't say anything else. I just ran away.

I went to school. For the rest of the day I tried to avoid Grayson as much as I could. He tried talking to me at lunch but I tried talking to him as little as I could. I didn't want to look at him. The girls kept asking me what wrong. I didn't wanna tell them at school. So they were coming to mine after school to talk. We all got in Summers car and drove to my house.

My parents were at work and Nathan was at Football practise so we were alone. "So tell us what's happened" Paige says. "Well this morning I was walking to school and I saw this pregnant girl about our age and she said that she's pregnant with Grayson's baby and that I have to leave him alone" I say with tears falling down my face. Ella instantly hugged me. "I can't believe it" Summer says. "Do you think it's true?" Ashley asks. "I don't know I mean it could be" I say. "I think you should talk to him tomorrow and sort everything out" Summer says. They all comforted me and made me feel a bit better. We watched a few movies and ate chocolate.

When they went home I sort of started getting bad thoughts again. What if what that girl said is true? That will completely ruin our relationship he will leave me. What if he already knows and didn't want to tell me?

I woke up the next morning feeling like absolute shit. I had a massive headache and felt ill. My mum came into my bedroom. "Aren't you getting ready for school?" She asks. "Mum I feel ill" I say. She touched my forehead. "You've definitely got a high temperature. Your not going to school today for sure" she says. I was actually sort of glad about that. I didn't have to face Grayson. Lily had a day off sixth form today too so we face timed for a bit. I basically told her about everything that has happened over the past few weeks. Including what happened yesterday. "Bitchhhh. I guess life in America is less boring than in The UK. But seriously you need to talk to him" she says. "I know everyone's been telling me this" I say.

I realised that I got a few texts from Grayson. I didn't want to reply to him. I needed a day to calm down. I don't know if I'll be able to talk to him tomorrow either. I spent the rest of the day lying in bed watching Netflix.

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