Chapter 15

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It's Wednesday now and I feel a bit better. I woke up and got ready. I got in Ethan's car and said hi to him. "What happened to you at the party?" He asks. "Oh nothing I just drank a bit too much and Grayson took me home" I said. "Are you sure there's nothing going on with you and Grayson?" He asks. "Yeah he just helped me get home" I say. I don't wanna lie to him but I don't want to tell him.

Me and Grayson haven't spoke all day. I felt so embarrassed that he saw me naked. I can't believe I took my clothes off in front of him.

It was history now. The last lesson of the day. I handed mine and Grayson project in to Mrs Smith. "Gray" I say. "What" he asks. "I'm sorry about The other night I don't know why I started to undress I was just so drunk. But thank you for stopping me" I say. "It's fine" he says not even looking at me. "Grayson why won't you talk to me?" I ask. "Well I'm talking to you right now aren't I?" He says. "Yeah but only a few words. Come to my house today. We need to talk alone" I say. "No" he says. "I didn't ask you I'm telling you to Grayson. You can't keep avoiding me" I say. "Oh okay I'll be at yours at 5" he says.

I was at home just chilling in my room. It was nearly 5 and Grayson should be here soon. My hair was In a messy bun and I wore a oversized hoodie and some shorts. I didn't care how I looked though. I just wanted to have an honest conversation with Grayson. He's been acting so weird to everyone and I think people deserve an explanation.

I heard a knock on the door. I went downstairs to open it. Grayson was stood there looking quite nervous. "Come in" I say. He walks in. I lead him to my room. We both sit on the bed. "Grayson tell me why your acting like this" I say "Please".

Grayson's POV

I was so nervous going over to Casey's house to talk to her. I feel so bad that I'm not telling her what's up. She deserves an explanation. She needs to know that I have feelings for her.

I finally got to her house. I knocked on the door and she opened it. "Come in" she says. Her hair was messy and she had a oversized hoodie on but she looked beautiful. We got to her bedroom and sat on her bed. "Grayson tell me why your acting like this. Please" she says looking really upset. I hate the fact that she's upset because of me. I didn't know how to tell her.

"Grayson stop being a dick can't you see that I fucking like you!" She shouts. I was shocked. She actually liked me? "You like me?" I ask. "Yes Einstein but clearly your fucking with my head. You say you like me then make out with a load of girls" she shouts. "Casey I have feelings for you" I say.

Casey's POV

"Casey I have feelings for you" he says. I felt happiness when he said that. But I still didn't understand. "Then why are you avoiding me and making out with other girls?" I shout. I was really angry now. "It's a long story" he says. "I've got time and anyway that's what your here for to tell me what's up" I say.

"Quite a while ago I was with a girl called Layla and I loved her. We were inseparable but then she got in a car accident and unfortunately died. I was heartbroken. I was so hurt. I lost her forever but I didn't want people to see that I was hurt so I started sleeping with lots of girls to hide the fact that I was heartbroken. They were a distraction. I didn't want people to know that I'm weak. When I started sleeping with lots of girls I guess it just stayed with me and I carried on doing it But then I met you. I started to like you a lot. So I tried staying away from you. I'm scared of having feelings for someone again. He says. I was speechless. "Wow Grayson I didn't know" I say. "Nobody knew not even Ethan" he says. "Wow I'm sorry about Layla but you don't need to be scared of having feelings for someone again Grayson" I say. "I'm scared that I'll fall in love again and I'll loose them" he says.

I looked into Grayson's sparkly eyes for a moment and realised that he's different than what I thought. He was heartbroken and scared of falling in love. "I think I should go now. I told you everything" he says and gets up from the bed. "No don't go" I say. I get up from the bed and kiss him. We kissed for a few seconds. It felt so good. "Grayson please don't cut me out of your life" I say. We layed down on my bed and cuddled for a bit. I didn't want him to leave me.

"Grayson I think you need to tell Ethan why you were like this

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"Grayson I think you need to tell Ethan why you were like this. He's your twin brother. He'll understand. Trust me" I say. "I will Case" he says.

I don't know where me and Grayson are at the moment. We're not together but we both like each other.

I was getting a bit warm now. I decided to take my hoodie off leaving me with a vest on. I saw Grayson smirk a little. "I guess I'm a bit warm too" he says taking his shirt off. He was even hotter with no shirt.

We started making out. It was getting more and more intense. I took my vest off. He started to kiss my neck and going down to my stomach. I took my bra off. We were still making out. He started to take his shorts off and then took his underwear off. I did too.

He had his head in between my thighs. I moaned a little. "Omg Grayson" I say. It felt so good.

He started thrusting. Harder and harder. I moaned. "Oh my god Grayyy" I say. "You like that baby girl?" He asks. "Oh yeee" I say.

When we finished we put our clothes on and layed in bed. "That was good" I say. "Oh it was" he says. "I've got to go home now but I'll see you at school" he says.

We weren't together but we had sex. So I guess we're like friends with benefits.

//The end of this was quite hard to write as I'm not as dirty minded as others are and didn't exactly know what to write haha 😂Xx

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