Chapter 8

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It was Saturday morning. I didn't really have anything to do. I heard my phone beep and realised I got a message from Cameron.

Cameron- Hey you wanna do something today? Xx

Me-Yeah sure. Like what? Xx

Cameron-I know this lovely park we can go to and walk around in and then maybe we can go to Starbucks or something? 😊

Me-Yeah sure 🤗

Cameron-I'll pick you up in an hour. Okay? xx

Me- Ye that's fine xx

Okay. I had an hour to get ready. I mean this isn't a date. It's just a nice day out with a friend. I think...

I picked my outfit for today

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I picked my outfit for today. A red ish skirt and a white and black stripy top. I lightly curled my hair. Then I went to the bathroom to do my makeup. For the eyes I put some tan orange eyeshadow on the crease and a bit of white sparkly eyeshadow at the bottom. I also put some eyeliner and mascara on. To finish the look I put some light pink lipstick on. I just realised that it was already 11am and Cameron should be here. I got a text from him saying that he's here. I got my phone and my bag and went downstairs. I put my black boots on and shouted to my mum "I'm going out with a friend I'll be back before 5". I heard her shout back "okay have fun".

I got in his car and said "hey". "Hey you look gorgeous" he says. I blush a little. "Thank you, you don't look bad yourself". "So where are we going" I ask. "You'll see". After a 15 minute drive we got to this big parking. We got out of the car and I saw that we were at a big park with lots of trees and it even had a big lake with swans and ducks in it. "Wow this place looks lovely" I say. "I know right my dad always took me here when I was little. But then he died" he says sadly. "I'm really sorry to hear that". I say. "It's fine he says.

We were walking for quite a while and talking about lots of stuff. He was really curious about how England looked like. I don't really know why. It wasn't as beautiful as America. "So have you ever met the queen?" He asks. "Obviously no I've only been to London like twice on school trips" I say laughing. "Oh" he says. His hands got closer to mine as we were walking and they linked together. We looked at each other and smiled. Once we got back to the car he says "you hungry?". "A little" I say. "Well do you wanna go to McDonald's?". "Yeah sure" I say.

We got to McDonald's. There wasn't too much people. "So what do you want?" He asks. "20 chicken nuggets and a coke please. I'll pay" I say handing him money. He rejects it. "No I'm paying" he says. When we finally got the food we sat down and ate. Chicken nuggets are my favourite foopd in the whole entire world. I love food overall."So have you heard about the football game on Monday?" He asks me while we're eating our food. "Yeah me and the girls are gonna go watch. Are you going?" I asked him. "Yeah I'm actually in the football team haha" he says to me. "Oh I didn't know" I said.

When we finished our food we got in the car and Cameron took me home. we finally got to my house. "Cameron, thank you for taking me to that park and McDonald's today. I loved it" I said. "I really enjoyed today. I've never met such an amazing girl like you" said Cameron. "I really hope you come to the game on Monday and cheer me on coz then we'll definitely win" he says then he kissed my cheek which caused me to blush. I said goodbye to him and went home. Cameron is so cute.

When I got home I decided to message the group chat and tell them about today.

•Group chat•
Me- Guys... I was just out with Cameron! He took me to this beautiful park and then we went to McDonald's!!!xoxo

Summer❤️-Omg whattt?!?!

Ashley❤️-Awww that's so cute

Paige❤️ -He defo likes you!!!

Ella ❤️-Omg yass girl!!

Me-it wasn't really a date though we were just hanging out. he wants me to cheer him on at the game xx

Ella❤️ -Aww you 2 would make such a cute couple. We could go on double dates me you Cameron and Shawn! That would be so cute!! 💕

Me-omg haha 😂 ❤️

To be honest I wasn't really sure if I liked Cameron as more than friends. I think he might like me in that way though. That's what scares me. I don't want to lead him on.

|Hey guys, I'm sorry that I haven't been mentioning the Dolan twins much as this is a Dolan twins fan fiction 😂 but I promise I will get to it Xxx

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