Chapter 42

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*1 month later*

"Sweetie do you want some tea?" My mum asks. "No thank you mum" I say laying back down in bed.

So me and Grayson are still not together but we are friends. He still tries to get back with me though. I'm not going to lie, I still have strong feelings for him. That will never change. And I know he still has feelings for me. But I'm scared. I'm scared that he'll hurt me again. Besides, we're going good as friends I guess.

I haven't been a school for the past 3 days. I've been throwing up each morning so my mum told me to stay home. I guess it's a virus.


I'm finally back at school. I still feel quite sick but I knew I couldn't miss too much of school because I'd be too behind everything.

It's now lunch and I'm sat with the people I'm usually sat with. I suddenly felt sick. I quickly ran to the bathroom. I went to the closest toilet and threw up. When I came out I saw Ella. "Casey- do you think you could be-" I cut her off and said "no Ella. I'm sure I'm not" I say.

When I went back to the table i had a drink of water. "I think it's still the virus" I say to everyone on the table.

At then end of the day when I was putting my books into my locker I saw Grayson coming up to me. "Hey, you okay? I saw you run to the bathroom at Lunch" he says. "Yeah in fine but thanks" I say smiling at him.

*A week later*

I was chilling with Ella in my room. We were watching pretty little liars. I felt the need to be sick again. I went to my bathroom and threw up. "Casey" she says looking serious when I walk out. "You have to get a pregnancy test" she says. I've been hesitating for a while but I've been feeling sick for the past 2 weeks and it just didn't seem normal anymore.

Me and Ella drove to the supermarket and bought a few pregnancy tests. We then went back to my house. "Casey- just know I'm always here for you. You were here for me and whatever happens I will support you through it" Ella says. I smile at her then close the bathroom door.

Ella's POV

I've been on my phone for a while now. Waiting. Waiting for Casey to come out. Im so worried for her. I was in the same situation as her and I know how it feels. I know that I have to support her through this though.

I finally heard the door open. I take my eyes off my phone and look at her. "Well?" I ask. She didn't say anything for a moment. Then she finally said "Ella- I'm pregnant...".

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