Chapter 44

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It's the next day and me and Grayson decided to tell our parents today about that I'm pregnant. I'm so nervous. What if they won't want to talk to me ever again?

I invited Grayson Ethan and their parents over for dinner tonight. Cameron was already flying back to uni.

It was now 4 o'clock and the Dolans could be here any minute. I was helping my mum sort the table out when I heard the door bell ring. I went to open the door. "Hello come on in" I say opening the door wider. "Oh hey Casey it's so nice to see you and Grayson back together. I always knew you Two were made for each other" Lisa says making me smile. I hug everyone and we all go to the dining area.


After we have dinner we all go to the living room. Everyone's talking and laughing. I wasn't really in the mood to laugh. "I think it's time" gray whispers to me. I look at him nervously as to say I'm not ready. "We can do this. Together" he whispers gripping my hand.

Me and Gray both stand up. "We have something important to tell you guys" He says. Everyone's went silent now. "Now first of all we don't want you to get mad" I say. "We just want your support" Grayson says. He looks at me. I guess I'm going to be the one breaking the news. "I'm- pregnant" I say.

"Your what?" My mum asks. "Is this a prank?" Mr Dolan asks. "Unfortunately no" I say looking down. Grayson grabs my hand and looks at me. He makes me feel so much happier. He makes me feel like I can actually get through this.

They all look at each other worried. "Your both 17" Lisa says. Tears start rolling down my face. I've been so emotional lately. I think it's from the pregnancy. My dad stands up. He comes and hugs me. "It's okay baby I'm here. We will help you through this" he says. "Thank you dad" I say. I look over at Ethan and he looks shocked. So does Nathan.

A few days later

Today I was going to the doctors to have a scan. My mum and Lisa are going with me. Grayson has an important football game and I don't want him to miss it.

Once we got to the doctors I had a scan. I saw the little baby on the monitor. It was so tiny. This made me sort of excited to be a mum. But also nervous. "Well Miss Jones you are definitely 6 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby" the doctor says. I look at the monitor then look back at my mum. I gave her the nervous look. She grabbed my hand and said "everything's going to be okay". I could hear the little heart beat. It was adorable. It only just hit me. I'm going to be a mum. I looked over at Lisa and she smiled at me. "I'm going to have the most gorgeous grand child ever I know it" she says.

We drove to the Dolan's house where everyone was chilling. As soon as I walk into the hose Grayson stands up. "Hey" he says giving me a peck on the lips. "How was it?" He asks sounding a bit inpatient. "I'm 6 weeks pregnant. Our baby is healthy" I say smiling at him. His smile turns even bigger. "I'm so glad that you and our baby are healthy" he says hugging me.

Ethan and Alice come up to us. "So? Am I gonna be an uncle for sure?" He asks with a grin on his face. "Yes you are" I say. Ethan hugs me. I still feel quite scared. "You'll be okay" he says giving me a warm smile.

We were just sitting on the sofa talking. "Guys. We have to talk about financial issues. Where are you going to live?" Grayson's dad asks. I look at Gray. "We haven't actually figured that out yet" I say. "We can obviously help you a bit finically but Grayson you do realise you will have to find a job" Lisa says. "Yup I do and I've found a job at at a record shop and they pay not too bad amount of money" he says.

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