Chapter 27

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A few weeks went by. Me and Grayson are still in a happy relationship. Nothing much has been happening really. Just the same every day. It's Wednesday and Grayson has got his football game today. I'm going to it with my friends to watch and cheer him on.

I came back to school with Paige, Ashley, Summer and Ella. We all say down on the benches. I saw Gray come on the field I saw him look over at me. He smiled and waved at me. I waved back.

The game started. The other team was in lead. "I doubt they're gonna win" summer says. "I know" I say.

There was 2 minutes left till the end of the game. Gray's team needed 2 more to win. Ethan suddenly scored a point for the team. "Yesss Ethan" we all shout. There were about 10 seconds left. Grayson had the ball. He was running with it. He scored just at the last second. Everyone started cheering. "Grayson" everyone started cheering. All the boys ran up to him and they all got into a group hug. I was so proud of him. I ran up to him on the field. We both kissed. "I'm so proud of you Gray" I say. "I wouldn't have won if you weren't here" he says kissing my lips again lightly.

We were in front of school now

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We were in front of school now. "Hey were gonna go to a pizza place to celebrate. You coming with us?" Gray asks. "Yeah sure" I say smiling. Me and Ella were the only girls there as she was Shawn's girlfriend and I was Graysons. We sat next to each other at the pizzeria. On the other side of me was Grayson. His hand was laid on my thigh.

We all spoke about random things laughing a lot. The pizza arrived and it was really delicious. I had a pepperoni pizza and so did Grayson. Once we finished Nash payed for us all. We hesitated but he still payed. We all said our goodbyes and me and Gray got in his car. "You wanna come round for a bit?" He asks. "Yeah sure" I say.

We got to Grays house and just chilled for a bit. His bed was literally the most comfortable thing ever.

We were both naked now under the covers. We were making out intensely. His hands were touching my boobs. My hands were on his face.

He started thrusting. Harder and harder. "Oh Grayyyyyy" I say moaning. "Come on baby" he says kissing me "ohhh-myyy-goddd" I say struggling to speak. I was enjoying every second of it.

We were both still naked laid in bed but only making out now. Suddenly the door opens. I quickly jump to the other side of the bed. "Oh shit sorryyyy" Ethan shouts while quickly walking out and closing the door. I hid under the covers from embarrassment. "Oh fuck well that was awkward" I say. We both burst out into laughter. "He better not have seen anything" Gray says. We chilled for a bit and then Gray drove me home.

I got home and said hello to my mum and dad on the way. I guess Nathan was in his bedroom. I got myself a bar of chocolate and as I'm such a nice sister I went to go give Nathan one too. I knocked on the door and came in. "Hey you want some chocolate?" I asked him. "No thanks" he says not turning around. I walk over to him and look at his face. I realise he has a bruise under his eye. "Who did this to you?" I ask. "It doesn't matter" he says. "Yes it does tell me now or I'll go to your school and ask all your friends" I say trying to sound as serious as I can. He didn't say anything for a moment. "Okay. I got in a fight" he says with his head down. "With who?" I ask. "Please be honest with me Nath. I'm worried about you" I say.

"There's this girl. I like her a lot. But she has a boyfriend. I hate the way he treats her. He was shouting at her today and I couldn't anymore. I came up to him and pushed him away from her. Then we started fighting" he says. "Oh Nathan. Is that girl still with him?" I ask. "Yeah. The worst thing is he punched her once but she acted like it was nothing" he says. "What the heck. Invite this girl over here for a friendly dinner I can talk to her and explain that she shouldn't let guys treat her like that. Trust me I can help her" I say. "Would you really do that?" He says and finally looks at me. "Of course" I says. We both hug for a minute.

I guess me and me and my brother haven't been so close lately. And I feel like I haven't realised that he could have problems of his own. I can't believe stuff like this happens to 13 year olds. I really hope I can talk to that girl. She shouldn't let boys treat her like that.

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