Chapter 51

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Grayson's POV
Me, Ethan and Alex were still in the pool swimming for a bit. I decided we should come out now because Alex has been in for quite long. We all got out and I've realised that it's already 2pm. Casey has been out for a long time. I wonder why she's taking this long. I decided to call her.
I tried calling her but she didn't answer. I started to get pretty worried now.

After about 5 minutes I got a call of a different number. I answered it. "Grayson Dolan?" The voice says. I reply with a "yes. Who's this?" And the unfamiliar voice says "I'm calling to inform you that your partner Casey Jones has been in a serious car accident and she's on her way to the hospital right now"

I was shocked. I couldn't believe what I heard. All I could think about now is if Casey is okay. I guess everyone could see that something happened by my facial expression. "Casey's been in a car accident" I say. I could see all their mouths dropped. They were shocked too. Without hesitating I quickly got my clothes and put them on. "I'm going to the hospital to see if she's okay. Can you all please stay here and I will contact you and tell you if she's okay" I say putting my top on. They all nodded. Alex had tears rolling down his eyes. "Don't worry son mommy will be okay" I say to him and kiss his forehead.

I quickly go into my car and drive. I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. Once I got there I didn't quite know where to go. I went to the nearest reception and quickly spoke to the women standing there. "My fiancée Casey Jones is here. Please tell me where she is" I say. "She's in room 217 just upstairs" she says. I walk as fast as I can upstairs and try to find the room 217. As soon as I found it I walked in.

I saw Casey. She had lots of wires attached to her and she looked very pale. She had cuts and bruises on her face. Her eyes were closed. She still managed to look beautiful though.

The doctor was there too. He turned around instantly to look at me. "Excuse me but you can't be in here" he says. "I'm Casey's partner and I want to know what's happened" I said in a very serious tone. "Let's go outside then Sir" he says and points to the door. I start walking out of the room and he follows me. "What's happened to her?" I ask. "Your partner had gotten into a serious car accident. She has a few broken bones and is quite injured. Unfortunately we had no choice but to put her in a medically induced coma" he says.

I was so shocked. I couldn't believe what he was saying. My hands started to slightly shake from the nerves.

"How long is she going to be in this coma for?" I asked. "Nobody knows. It could be from days to years" he says.

I didn't know what to do or what to think. I was hoping she got through this. I knew she would. Casey's a strong girl. I can't lose her. We can't lose her.


I called everyone and told them to come to the hospital. I didn't tell them what happened because I don't want to tell them over the phone.

A short while after everyone got here. Alex started running up to me and I grabbed him and picked him up. "Is mummy here?" He asks in his cute little voice. He was so sweet and innocent.

I told everyone what happened. That Casey was in a coma. Many tears appeared in their faces. I sat down and many tears formed on my face. I put my hands on my face not knowing what to do. I soon felt a hand on my back. "I'm sorry man. She will get through this" Ethan says. "Thanks bro" I said hugging him.

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