Chapter 11

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2 days later
I was finally going home after spending 2 days at the hospital. 2 boring days. I guess I feel better now.

I was glad to be home. "Are you okay Casey? Maybe you wanna go get some rest?" My mum asks. "I'm fine mum I've been resting for the past 2 days I think I've had enough rest" I say. "Okay darling. Come sit down on the couch then we need to talk" she says. "I know that what happened will have been traumatising and I know it might be hard to forget about but just remember that me and dad are going to be here for you all the time. If you want we could get you a therapist" she says looking serious. "I'll be fine mum I don't need a therapist but thank you" I say. That was a traumatising experience but it could've been worse if Grayson wasn't there.

Today's Thursday but i can't go to school until Monday. Everyone's at school so I have no one to text or call. I put Netflix on and started watching The Vampire Dairies. Then I heard my phone beep. I was a bit surprised. Who would be messaging me now when everyone's at school. It was a text from Grayson.

Grayson-Hey Case, are you alright?

Me- Yeah I'm fine Gray. Aren't you supposed to be at school?

Grayson- Nah I've ditched today.

Me- So where are you?

Grayson-Just walking around. You wanna join?

Me-umm Ye sure. where are you?

Grayson-i sort of ended up outside of your house. Look out of your window.

I looked outside of the window and saw Grayson standing there looking at his phone.

Me-I'll be outside in a min.

Grayson-Okay b

I guess I needed some fresh air and I was starting to get a bit bored at home. I went downstairs. "Mum I'm going to go walk round the neighbourhood for a little bit. I need some fresh air". She didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Okay honey but please be careful and message me if anything happens" she says. "Okay bye mum". I didn't tell her I was going with Grayson. She didn't ask if I was going with anyone though. She probably wouldn't mind anyway as he's the one that saved me.

I walked outside and saw Grayson standing there. He looked up from his phone and smiled a little. "Hey there" he says. "Hi" I say smiling back at him. "So how you feeling" he asked. "Good I guess I'm hoping the bruises will go away soon but until then I'm going to be covering them with foundation" I say. "You don't need to cover them your still gorgeous with or without them" he says looking a bit surprised that he said that. It shocked me too a bit.

We walked a little and talked about random stuff. "So why did you decide to ditch school today?" I asked him. "Well I just didn't feel like going today and history would just be boring without you in it" he says nudging me slightly. "Well you better go to school tomorrow" I tell him. "Whyyy" he asks. "Because you'll get in trouble" I say. "Okayyy" he says.

"I better get going now. My mum might get worried" I say. "Okay I'll be going home now too schools ending in a few minutes" he says. "Bye Casey. See ya on Monday" he says. "Bye" I say.

I went back home back into bed and put The vampire Dairies on again.

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