Chapter 48

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A few weeks later

So today me and Grayson are moving into our new house. We've already brought most of the stuff there's just a few more boxes to unpack. The nursery is all ready.

"I'm so excited to be in our own house now" I said

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"I'm so excited to be in our own house now" I said. "Me too. We'll actually have privacy Now" Grayson says and we both laugh.

Jack and jack and Ethan were helping us take the last boxes. "Okay that's everything" Johnson says. "Thank you guys. It means a lot. " I said. "It's no problem" they says. "We're going to go now but if you need anything then just call us" Gilinsky says. "Yeah I need to go too. Im going on a date with Alice" Ethan says. "Okay have fun. Bye" I said.

Me and Grayson were now alone. We were finally in our own home. I felt so free. After unpacking all the boxes we were finally finished.

We were sat on the sofa cuddled up. "I love you so much Casey. I can't wait for our little son to come to this world so I can teach him how to fight and play football" he says. "Don't make him violent. I don't want him getting in trouble at school" I said. "I'll try" he said.

The next day

We were sat having our breakfast. I was going to my parents house today as they came back home last night. Grayson was heading of to go to work. "What time are you coming home?" He asks. "About 6 o'clock" I said. "Okay well I'm gonna go now. I love you" he says kissing my check and heading out.

After getting ready I get in my car and drive to my parents house.

I come in seeing my parents in the main room. "Hey Honey we have missed you so much" my mum says hugging me. Then my dad joins the hug. "How is the baby?" My dad asks. "It's good. And it's a... boy" I said excitedly. "Oh yay!" My mum shouts excitedly causing me to giggle. "We need to come and visit you at your house some day" my mum says. "Yeah you really do!" I said.

I spent all day catching up with my family. I spoke to Nathan about a lot too. I'm glad that's he's finally happy now. And he has a girlfriend who he really cares about. I hope that he takes care of her.

I was going back home now. Grayson should be in now. I opened the door to see Grayson stood in the living room. The room was filled with lit candles and rose petals. I put my hands covering me mouth in shock. "Awe Gray this is so cute" I said. He suddenly starts taking something out of his pocket. And he goes on his knee holding a little box with a beautiful ring in it.

"Casey Jones... when I first laid my eyes on you I thought u were the most beautiful girl in the world. I still do. I know that we have been through so much but the more we go through the closer it gets us. I have so many memories with you and I couldn't imagine having them with anybody else. I want to make so much more memories with you and our son. And I'm asking you...Will you marry me?" He asks. I gasp in shock. I felt tears rolling down my face. "Of course i'll marry you!" I say softly. He puts the ring on my finger. On the other finger I had the promise ring that he gave me. He picks me up and we both kiss passionately.

He starts taking me upstairs and starts to undress me. We were both making out. Making out turned into more. I was having the best night ever.

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