Chapter 26

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We got up from the bench and turned around to start walking. Then we saw 2 talk muscly boys in front of us. Ethan and Grayson...

"G-gray-Grayson" I say sounding so stupid. "Casey" he says looking rather upset. "Why haven't you been answering my texts or calls?" He asks. I didn't know what to say. Tears started falling down my cheek. I started feeling dizzy. I suddenly started to see white. And then I didn't remember a thing.

Grayson's POV

Me and Ethan decided to go for a little run at the city park today. We got to the park and started to run a bit. I guess maybe this could take my mind of Casey. I missed her. I missed her so much. We were running next to the pond. "Gray man I need a brake bro your going too fast" I hear Ethan say. We stopped to take a brake for a moment. Then 2 girls faced our way.

It was Paige and... Casey. "G-gray-Grayson" she says sounding like she didn't know what to say. "Casey" I say. My face expression turned sad. Seeing her made my heart brake. "Why haven't you been answering my texts or calls?" I ask. She didn't reply. Tears started to fall down her cheek. "Please don't cry" I say. I didn't understand why she was crying. She dumped me. She then started to look a little weird. She suddenly started to loose balance. I quickly caught her before she fell on the floor. I was panicking. "Omg Ethan call the ambulance" I shout. I didn't know what to do. She was unconscious. Laid there in my arms.

Casey's POV

i woke up seeing wires attached to me in a white room. I knew where I was. The hospital. Hospitals didn't give me good memories. And lately I've been spending quite a lot of time in them. I suddenly heard a noise. "She's awake". I think it was Nathan. I saw my parents and Nathan come in the room. "Oh darling" my mum says. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?" My dad asks. "Um I'm fine I guess" I say. Now I remember what happened. I saw Grayson and freaked out. And fainted I guess. Oh my!

"Grayson told us everything. Why did you break up with him darling?" My mum asks in quite a soft and quiet voice. "It's complicated" I say. "Okay we can talk after you need to rest now" she says. "Mum... please don't let Grayson come in. I don't want to see him" I say. "Well. Okay Casey" she says sounding concerned.

It was now time for me to go home. I was glad. I only spent a bit less than a day in hospital. I made such a fool of myself.

I was in my bedroom reading a book. I heard a knock at my bedroom door. I was assuming it was dad or somebody. But they never knock though. "Um Hey Casey. Your mum let me in. Can we talk?" It was Grayson. "Yeah sit down" I say. Oh shit. "Are you feeling better?" He asks. "Yeah. Thanks for catching me when I fell. Paige told me" I say. "It's nothing" he says. It was awkward for a bit. "Please tell me... why?" He said. "You know exactly why" I say. "No I don't. Tell me." He says. "Didn't that girl tell you?" I ask. "What girl?" He asks.

"That girl. She told me that she's pregnant with your baby and that I need to stay away from you" I say. "What?" He says looking shocked. "Grayson i thought she told you. It could be possible you've fucked so many girls" I said. "But why didn't you tell me about this first?" He asks. "She... she threatened me. She sent me letters to my house saying people would beat me up if I didn't break up with you. I got scared. I'm sorry" I say starting to cry. "Baby don't cry. I promise you I didn't make any girl pregnant. It must've just been a joke. That girl will never hurt you. I won't let that happen" he says. He hugs me wiping my tears. I felt safe with him. I never have and never will stop loving him. Besides if that baby was Grays then the girl would've told Gray already. "Please be mine again" he whispers to my ear. "I'll always be yours" I say looking in his beautiful eyes. "I love you" he says kissing my forehead. "I love you 2" I say.


Me and Gray were walking around the neighbourhood a bit. We were holding hands. We were talking about how excited we are to go to New York soon. I realised the pregnant girl was there. But this time she didn't have a baby bump. "Grayson it's her. The girl who said she was pregnant with your baby" I whisper to him. "I don't even know her" he says.

We ran up to her. "Where's your bump gone?" I ask. "Oh ummm" she was basically speechless. "Grayson! I love you so much my baby. We're gonna get married" she shouts to him. "What the hell I don't know you" he says. We then saw a woman running up to us with a police man.

"Jessica get here now we've been looking so long for you" the woman says to the girl. "I'm so sorry if Jessica has made any trouble. She's supposed to be at a mental hospital but she ran away. She's got some issues and did some bad things in the past. Once again I'm really sorry about anything and whatever she said it's no true" the woman says. I was quite shocked. "How did she know our names?" I ask. "Oh wait she went to our school a long time ago. I remember her a bit. She was in love with me" Grays says. I was really glad. "Well our problem is over" I say.

//Im sorry that this is quite a shit chapter. I sort of rushed it. Sorryyyy😬💜//

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