Chapter 6

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The next day I got dressed, straightened my hair then put some mascara on. Once I was ready I decided to walk to school. It wasn't too far and I needed some exercise because I eat so much junk.

Once I got to school I needed to go to my locker to get some books. On the way I saw Grayson kissing some girl. She was practically on top of him. Eww. I went to my locker and got the books I needed. My first lesson was history. I quite liked history back in England. I was always really good at it and it interested me but American history is probably way different because they have all of the presidents and that. England just has the queens and kings.

I came into the history class and I realised Grayson was in it sat at the back. "Hi I'm Casey I'm new" I said to the teacher. "Oh lovely welcome I'm Mrs Smith. Could you please sit at the back next to Grayson" she says. I didn't really want to sit with him but I had to.

When I sat down I felt him staring at me. Then he finally said something. "Aren't you the girl who randomly said hi to me yesterday?" He asked. Oh shit I didn't think he'd remember that. "Umm yeah but I thought you were Ethan I didn't know that he had a twin then" I said. He just laughed. I saw him staring at me again. It was starting to really annoy me now. "I saw you kissing that girl this morning" I say to him. "Oh yeah that hot chick I think she's called like Molly or something. Oh wait that was last weeks one. I think she's called Loren or something" he says. "Wow you really are a fuckboy" I say to him. "Oh I'm not babe" he says winking at me. I roll my eyes at him and he laughs slightly. "So are you from England" he asks. "Well yeah it's quite obvious" I say sounding a bit rude. " I think your accents cute as fuck" he says smiling at me. I just ignored him and got on with my work. The girls were right he's such a fuckboy.

"Right class I want you to do a project about the Cold War and you have to work with the person you are siting next to. It does involve you working together after school" Mrs smith says. Oh great I don't even know anything about The Cold War and I also have to work with Grayson. I bet he won't even help me because he'll be too busy fucking a different girl every day.

Grayson had a smirk on his face. "We will work on the project tomorrow at my place because I'm busy today" he says. I just nod.

At lunch I told the girls that I have to work with Grayson on this project. "Omg I feel so sorry for you he's a real douchebag" Ella says to me. "Who's a douchebag?" Shawn asks while sitting next to Ella. "Grayson Dolan" summer says to him. "Oh come on he's not that bad. He's one of my bros I can't say anything bad about him" says Shawn. "Well it's true" says Ashley.

When I walked out of school I saw my mums car. I didn't know she was picking me up today. I came in the car and said hi to my mum. "Hey Casey today my friend Lisa i met at work is coming over for dinner with her husband and kids. I forgot to tell you this morning. So please wear something nice." She says looking serious.

I got home and decided to put my black and pink flowery dress on. I brushed my long hair and put a bit of mascara on.

I walked downstairs and saw That Nathan was dressed smartly and so were my mum and dad

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I walked downstairs and saw That Nathan was dressed smartly and so were my mum and dad. I helped my mum put everything on the table.

A knock on the door came and my dad opened it. They came in and I couldn't believe it. It was Ethan and Grayson. I just wanted to run away. I saw both of them look at me and laugh quietly to each other. They both bit their lips when they looked at me. I was so pissed off.

"So Ethan and Grayson go to the same school as Casey don't they?" My mum asked. "Yeah I'm in a few of her lessons" Ethan says "And I'm in her history and we're actually doing a project together about the Cold War" Grayson says smirking at me. "Oh that's lovely" says Lisa who was their mum.

"Casey why don't you take the boy upstairs you can talk a little" said my dad. I literally wanted to punch him when he said that. I took the twins upstairs to my room. "Well I wasn't expecting that" said Ethan. "Me either" I said laughing slightly. We all talked for a bit. It wasn't actually that bad. Grayson didn't act like a dick like he does at school. He was actually quite nice.

When they all went home I helped my mum clean up and started heading upstairs. "So which one are you gonna go for?" Nathan asks laughing. "Just shut up you dickhead" I say annoyed and I walk to my room. I called Lily and told her about everything. "Wow that must've been awkward" she says laughing. "Yup it was very awkward" I say.

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