Chapter 43

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Casey's POV

"Ella- I'm pregnant" I say while walking out of the bathroom holding a pregnancy test.

"Are you-". "Yes I'm sure. There's no other explanation for it" I cut her off. I sat down on the table and I burst out. Tears are rolling down my face now. "Please don't cry Casey, it'll be okay. It's up to you what you do" she says. " I respected your decision Ella. But I wouldn't do that myself. I need to keep this baby" I say. She smiles lightly. She pulls me into a hug and we're just sat there silently.

A few days later

So the girls all know now. I still haven't told Grayson and I don't know how to tell him to be honest. But I know I have to.

It's lunch now. We're all sat together at the table. "You have to talk to him" summer says softly to me. I gave her a little smile and walk over to the boys table. "Well hello there" Jack g says giving me a wink. He's a little bit of a fuckboy. I just ignored him and looked at Grayson. "Grayson can we meet after school? I need to talk to you" I say. His face lights up. "Yeah of course. You want to come to mine after school?" He asks. "Yeah. See ya" I say and walk off. I'm so nervous for tonight.


Schools over now and I drove to the Dolans house. I ring the door bell and see Cameron at the door. "Oh hi Cameron it's nice to see you" I say giving her a little smile. "Oh hey Casey you here to see the twins?" Cameron asks and she lets me in. "Yeah I just need to talk to Grayson" I say looking a little nervous.

I head upstairs and knock on Grays door. "Come in" he says and I open the door slowly and walk in the room. "Oh Casey hey" he says giving me a big hug. "What did you want to talk about?" He asks. "I need to tell you something" I say. And now I'm really starting to feel nervous. My heart starts to beat faster. What if he won't care. What if he'll be angry.

I didn't even realise that I started crying from all the nerves. "Please don't cry. I hate seeing you like this. What's happened?" He asks wiping the tears of my face. I couldn't say it. The words just couldn't come out of my mouth. "Gr-Grayson- I'm- I'm pregnant" I finally say breaking the silence. His eyes widen. "Oh my god! Am I the father?" He asks. "Obviously I haven't slept with anyone else" I say. "I'm going to be a dad" he says hugging me. "What? Don't you understand? We're 17 Gray. And we're not even together" I say. "Casey. That can change, if you give me a chance. I will never betray you and I will love you and our baby forever" he says. Of course I still loved Grayson. I never stopped loving him for a second. But I didn't know wether I could trust him. "I don't know" I say.

"I love you" he says quietly starting to look a bit sad. "I love you 2 and I never stopped loving you" I say. "Really?" He asks looking surprised. "Yeah obviously" I say. "Please give me another chance. Be mine again and I will take care of you and our baby" he says. I didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Okay. I'll give you another chance" I say. He hugs me as soon as he hears that. After we stop hugging We look at each other for a moment and our lips connect. We kiss softly. It was a slow and passionate kiss. I have missed him so much. His kisses, his hugs, his voice and just seeing his face overall.

But what will we do? We have to tell or parents sooner or later...

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