Chapter 14

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It was now Monday. Ethan picked me up again this morning. We were on our way to school and he asks "hey do you know what's up with Grayson he's been a little odd lately? And he usually tells me everything but he's not wanting to tell me what's wrong now". So even Ethan had realised he's acting different. I don't have a clue what's wrong with him. Maybe he was drunk when he kissed me so now he feels too embarrassed to talk to me because he didn't mean to kiss me. "I don't know Ethan sorry" I say.

I got to school and decided to find Grayson and talk to him. I saw him talking to a girl. I started walking up to them. I didn't care if he was with her I need to talk to him. "Grayson we need to talk" I say to him. "Can't you see I'm a little busy right now" he says annoyed. "This is important. Oh and I wouldn't bother with him girl he'll fuck you then act like he doesn't know you the next day" I say to the blonde girl. She dirty looks Grayson and walks off.

"Hey! She was hot. You ruined my chances of fucking her" he says. "Your gross." I say. We walked into an empty class and I closed the door so nobody could hear. "Now can you tell me why your acting like this?" I ask him. "Like what?" He asks. "You kiss me then ignore me at school. I think I deserve an explanation" I say. " I can't tell you" he says. "Why not?" I say angrily. "Because I can't!" He says. "Just tell me for fucks sake Grayson" I say pushing him. "I like you okay!" He shouts walking out and slamming the door.

Did I just hear that right. Grayson Dolan likes me? He doesn't like girls though. He uses them. I don't understand. This was probably just one of his Jokes. My head was all over the place. I didn't know what to think anymore. I guess I never thought of me liking Him. I tried avoiding him at first so he didn't use me. But I just couldn't get away from him then. I wanted to talk to him more. I liked listening to him talk. Then it hit me. I think I like Grayson Dolan.

Schools was over now. Ethan dropped me off home. I came home and saw mum and dad with suitcases. "Casey we have to go to England for a bit. Your grandma is in hospital. She collapsed and hit her head pretty hard. It's not very very serious but we need to go check up on her. She hasn't got anyone else to look after her. We'll be back in a week." My dad says. "Oh I hope gran's gonna be okay. Tell her that I miss her lots and hope she gets better" I say. Me and my gran are very close. I could always tell her everything. "Okay darling by the way Nathan is staying at his friends house all week so you don't have to worry about him. Please don't have any parties or anything here. We will call you every day" my mum says kissing my forehead. "Our flights in an hour so we really have to go we left money for you incase you need it we love you lots" my mum says. "I love you 2" I say. They walked out and got in their car.

I've got the whole house to myself. Yas!! I always liked being home alone. I was going to he party with Ashley. We were both meeting at 6:30. I quickly went to wash my hair. Then I curled it. I did my makeup. I did a smokey eye makeup. I put a mini black dress on. You can just never go wrong with a mini black dress haha. It was 6 now and I was nearly ready. I sprayed some perfume on me and put some light lipstick on.

I heard a knock at the door I knew It was Ashley. I opened the door. "Hey girllll" I say. "Heyyy" says Ashley. She actually looked pretty similar to me. "I've got a free house for a whole week you can stay over at mine tonight. We can get so drunk" I say excited. "Oh yay I'm so excited" says Ashley.

We took a taxi to Jacobs house

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We took a taxi to Jacobs house. It was already filled with lots of people. We came in.

Me and Ashley did a few shots then started dancing a bit. While we were dancing I saw Ethan. We walked up to him. "Hey Ethan" I say. "Hey Casey what are you doing here?" He asks. "Jacob invited me" I say. "Oh cool I'm here with Grayson but he's with some chick right now" Ethan says. I thought Grayson said he liked me. He was obviously just joking with me trying to make me look like an idiot. I actually think I like him a little bit. I hope I don't see him tonight.

We were dancing and drinking. It was super crazy. My mum texted me a few times so I just said I'm in bed.

I went upstairs trying to find a toilet. I finally found It and walked in but Grayson was there with some girl. "Casey... oh um I'm" Grayson said not knowing what to exactly say. Before he could say another word I just ran downstairs. I grabbed 2 shots. I drank both shots as fat as I could. I was so angry at him. I just wanted to get super drunk.

I saw Grayson downstairs. He looked like he was looking for someone. Probably me. I jumped on the table with some random guy an started to dance with him. I started making out with him. I looked over at Grayson and saw him look really angry. He started walking up to us. He picked me up from the table. "What are you doing you idiot let go of me" I shout. He pushes the guy. He starts taking me out of the house. I saw Ashley follow. "What the heck are you doing" he asks. "I'm having fun!" I shout. "Your way too drunk" he says. "Since when do you care?" I ask annoyed. "I care about you Casey" he says. "Then why were you making out with a girl just then?" I ask frustrated. His face expression changes. He looks really sad now. Like he regrets it.

"I'm taking you home" he says. Ashley was in the back fast asleep. I didn't wanna talk to Grayson. We finally got to my house. Grayson put Ashley to bed. Then went to put me in bed too. Before he could pick me up I kissed him. He kissed me back. We were making out for a few minutes. I didn't know what I was doing. I started to take my dress off. He was going to take his shirt off then stopped. "No" he said. "Why?" I ask. He got me pyjamas and helped me put them on. Then put me to bed. Then he went.

I woke up the next morning. I had such a bad headache. I realised it was 10am. "Ashley" I say. "It's 10 you know that?" I ask. "Ye well we wouldn't be able to go to school anyway with this much of a hangover" she says. "I know we can stay at mine for today I don't think the teachers will even realise" I say.

I started to remember what happened last night. Omg. I started making out with Grayson. I stated to get naked in front of him. I nearly could've had sex with him but he stopped me. I was glad. He said he cared about me. What if he lied. Maybe he was just drunk. I need answers!!

Me and Ashley were in bed all day drinking tea and watching Netflix. We had such bad hangovers.

I need to talk to Grayson tomorrow...

Hiii!! This chapters quite long haha 😂💓

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