Chapter 29

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The next day I woke up feeling really tired. I had a really bad headache. I shouldn't have gone to sleep so late. I was getting ready to go to school. I put my clothes on and brushed my hair and just left it natural.

I did my makeup but didn't bother with it too much today

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I did my makeup but didn't bother with it too much today. I grabbed all my folders and books and put them in my bag and zipped it up. I then grabbed my phone and bag and went downstairs. As I walked into the kitchen I saw my dad. "Good morning Casey" he says smiling at me while taking a sip of his coffee. "Hey dad" I say smiling back. I then went to make myself a coffee too. I didn't like the taste of coffee very much but It helps me wake up so I drink it when I'm really tired sometimes.

I sat next to my dad and drink my coffee and had a few biscuits. "You're eating a very healthy breakfast today" he says sarcastically. "I know right" I say laughing. "How are things with you and Grayson going?" He asks. "Everything good" I say giving him a little smile. "That's great. If he ever hurts you-" I cut him off. "Dad, its fine. He won't. He's different" I say. I heard Gray's car outside so I drank the last bit of my coffee and put the cup in the sink. "Bye dad love you" I say while kissing him on the cheek. "Bye darling have a good day" he says.

I go into Grayson's car. "Hey princess" he says cupping my cheeks and staring into my eyes for a bit. He finally kissed me and it felt amazing. I didn't want him to let go. "Well hi Gray" I say once he lets go. Once He started driving I decided to put some music on. I turned it up quite loud and the song Personal by Hrvy came on. "YEAH SHE GON MESS WITH YOUR HEAD" I sing really loud and look at Gray as to tell him to join in. He finally joins in. "OH YEAH AND SHE'LL FLIRT WITH YOUR FRIENDS" we both sing in unison. "DON'T TAKE IT PERSONAL" we both sang it laughing.

We finally got to school after a ride of loud singing. "See you later" I say to Gray and walk up to the girls. "Hey girls" I say while walking up to them. "Hey" they all say to me. We talked about random stuff. "It's the twins birthday soon right?" Ashley asks. "Yeah It's in 5 days. I already bought their presents" I say. "What did you buy them" summer and Paige ask. "Well I got them both some aftershaves and I got Ethan this watch he wanted for a while and I got Gray an iPhone X" I say. "Wow. How did you have that much money to buy an iPhone X?" Ella asks. "I had quite a bit of money saved up. I was saving it up to buy a car for when I pass my drivers test but the twins are really important to me and I wanted to buy them something that they'll like" I say.

The bell went and we went to Maths. We unfortunately had a Algebra test today so I couldn't talk to summer.

I now had science. I liked it because I sat with Ethan and we would talk and laugh a lot in it. Then Mr pooman would shout at us. I was sat in my seat getting my book out. "Hey Chicken nugget" I hear Ethan say to me while sitting next to me. "Hey Eth" I say laughing. He sometimes calls me a chicken nugget because they are my favourite food. We were writing notes in our books. "So are you excited to go to New York soon?" He asks. "Yeah of course I am. I've always wanted to go there" I say. "Are you?" I ask. "Yeah we've only been to New York once when we were 10 so I'm excited to go again" he says.


After school I decided to study for my drivers test a bit more. my exam was on Friday which was actually a day before Grayson and Ethan's birthday. I felt really nervous. Gray and Eth and a lot of people already had theirs and had a car so I was glad that I will have my driving licence now although I haven't got enough money to buy a car yet.

I heard a knock on the door. "Hey sweetie how you doing?" My mum comes in with some food. "Good I guess I'm just really nervous mum" I say. "I know how you feel but I'm sure you will do just fine" my mum says. I gave her a warm smile. She went back downstairs and left the dinner on my desk. I ate my food then carried on studying. I'm most nervous for the driving part though. I suddenly realised Gray texted me.

Grayson💙- Hey baby what you doing? ❤️

Me-Hey babe, Just studying for my drivers exam 💝

Grayson💙-Well I can help you. Be outside in 2 minutes 😉

I put my shoes on and came outside. I don't know what Gray was planning. I saw his car pull up. I got in it. He hardly said anything. We drove a bit and he stopped at an empty road. He got out of the car and came next to my door. "You're gonna be the driver today" he says winking. "Gray aren't you scared that I'll brake your car?" I ask. "Don't worry ill teach you" he says.

We swapped seats. He was telling me what to do and helping me out. I stop the car "Grayson I can't do this" I say. "Of course you can I'll teach you as long as I need to until you can drive like a pro" he says. I feel so lucky to have a boyfriend who cares about me so much. He was teaching me to drive for a good hour. I actually felt so confident now. I felt like I could pass this test. I'm not good at doing test. "Thanks Gray you really helped me today" I say to him. He stares at me for a minute then our lips get closer and we kiss.

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