Chapter 46

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I walk into the house and see my dad. My mum was probably at work. "Hey Case why are you home so early? Did you feel sick?" My dad asks. "It's a long story" I say and sigh. "come here" he says.

I come sit on the sofa next to him. "What's up?" He asks. I sigh. "Well the boy that threw the ball at me yesterday didn't do it on purpose. Grayson got mad and started punching him" I say angrily. "Darling, you can't be mad at him. He is just trying to protect you and that's good. If a boy truly loves you he would protect you through anything. I know what he's done isn't right. But you've got to look at it in a different way" he says. "Your right" I say softly. "I'm also right" he says winking. We both burst out laughing. "You should talk to him" my dad says. "I will" I say giving him a smile.

I went to my bedroom and watched some movies for a bit. After a while I decided I'll go to Grayson's house and talk to him.

I got in my car and drove to the Dolans house. I knock on the door and come in. "Hey case" Ethan shouts from the living room. Lisa gets up from the sofa and comes up to me. "Casey darling. Grayson is in his room and I know about everything. Just please understand that his intentions were good" she says. "Yeah I know" I say giving her a light smile.

I walk upstairs to Grays room. I come in and see him laid on his bed staring at the wall. He gets up. "Casey I'm so sorry" he says. "It's alright Gray. I know you just wanted to protect me" I say. "What did the principal say?" I ask. "Ive got detention for a week" he says not really sounding too bothered about it. I grab his hand. "I love you" I say. "I love you more" he says. He cups my face and we both look each other in the eyes for a second. We finally lean in and kiss. We carry on kissing for a while and Grayson starts taking my shirt off when we heard the door open. It was Lisa. "Hey guys I was just wonderi-". My and Gray quickly moved. A bit away from each other. "Oh I'm sorry I'll come back later" she says and walks out. Me and Gray look at each other. I face palm myself. "Always us" i say and we both laugh.

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