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So this is the end guys. Wow. This book took me 4 months to write. But it was worth it. This is the first fan fiction that I've written because i thought I should try it. I know that this book isn't probably going to get many reads at all but this is just like a practice. I will get better I promise. I'll try writing more stories for you and I'll try to make them as interesting as possible. It has been so fun writing this. I know that I made many mistakes in this book that I'm sorry about. Some spellings might be wrong too which I'm sorry about too. Please can people not hate thought. Thank you for reading this. I really hope you've enjoyed it. If you want to ask my any questions then dm me on instagram I'm called @itskingaxo. I didn't intend on making this fan fan fiction so long but I guess I did haha. Anyway thank you for reading this and I really hope that you have enjoyed it. Love,
Kinga x

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