Chapter 30

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So it's Friday today and I've got my driving exam today. I've obviously got it after school. I got up at 7 which was quite late for me I decided to wear a white crop top with some ripped jeans and a pink jacket today. I also put some pink trainers on with that.

 When I came downstairs I saw Nathan downstairs

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When I came downstairs I saw Nathan downstairs. "Hey bro" I say. "Hey Casey" he says. "So how's it going with that girl then?" I ask. "Well I actually invited her for dinner in 2 days and she said yes" he says looking a bit happier. "That's great" I say.

I got to school and said hi to all my friends. I did realise that Ella was a bit upset today. Ella was probably my best friend and I hate to see her upset. I didn't want to say anything in front of everybody though. I did also realise Shawn being a bit weird today too. I hope that they haven't broken up. I felt like I needed to speak to them.

It was lunch now and I wanted to speak to Ella as soon as possible. I went to the toilet first but as I walked in I saw Ella stood in front of my mirror with a few tears on her face. "What's up babe?" I ask her. She looks at he mirror and doesn't say anything. "Has Shawn done something?" I ask her. "I guess you could say that" she says. I move closer to her and wipe the tears of her face. "I hate to see my best friend upset. "Please tell me what's happened" I say. "Casey I'm- I'm pregnant" she says.

I was quite shocked when these words came out of her mouth. "El- I'm- um" I didn't know what to say to her. "Shawn knows?" I ask. "Yeah I told him last night. We haven't spoken since then" she says. "Ella I'm going to support you through this I promise you" I say. "I don't want this baby" she says. "I want to get rid of it" she says again. "El are you sure?" I ask. "I've thought it out a long time and I know that I'm not ready to be a mother yet" she says. "I'm not going to stop you. It's your choice but you know, that's a big decision" I say. "Yes I know" she says. I hug her and we just stand there hugging for a bit not saying a word. I know that abortion isn't the perfect choice but I need to understand her. If that's what she wants then it's what she can do I guess. "Does Shawn know about that you want to... you know" I say. "Not yet" she says looking even more nervous.

I spent the rest of lunch calming Ella down. She was in such a horrible situation and I felt so sorry for her. I knew that I was going to help her as much as I can.

After school I went home to drop my bag off and have a little something to eat and then I was getting ready to have my driving test. I was pretty nervous.

I got to the place and waited for the person who was going to be assessing me. I finally heard a voice say. "Hello Miss Jones sorry that I'm late" an oldish man says while getting car keys out and pointing them at a car. "Oh it's okay" I say.

We were both in the car now. "Now miss Jones you don't need to be nervous. You have to drive around through this way and try to get none of the posts to move.

Yeah this seems so easy. I'm so confident. Just driving around and trying not to make the posts fall. Who am I lying to...I'm so nervous about this.

I started the car. I saw the man looking then writing things in his note pad. I started driving. I guess I was doing pretty okay. All the posts were in the right place and didn't fall. I finally got through the whole trail and parked in a parking space. The parking wasn't the best but it wasn't my baddest. He started looking at his notepad and it was awkwardly silent for a bit. "Well done Miss Jones you've have passed and you can get your drivers licence" he says giving me a little fake smile. You could see that he didn't like his job.

I was so happy. I finally had my driving licence! I called my mum. "Mum I passed!" I shout. "Awe Casey that's brilliant I'm so proud of you" she says. "I'll be home in a few hours mum I'm going to see Grayson" I say. She says "okay darling" and hangs up. I wanted to surprise Grayson.

I took a bus to Grayson's house. I finally got to his house. I had a plan. I was gonna make him think that I didn't pass. I knocked on the door. He opens it and asks "Hey baby so how was it?" I put a sad facial expression on my face. I looked at him. "Oh no. Please don't tell me you-" before he could say another word I started smiling and shouted "I PASSED". He started smiling and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "You scared me then. I knew you could do it you just needed to believe in yourself more" he says. "I know and I wouldn't of passed it if it wasn't for you" I say. "No it was all you baby. I'm so proud of you" he says.

We went to his bedroom. We were laid on his bed and we started to kiss passionately. I took my top off and was left in my bra. He then started to take his top off too. We were both now naked and still kissing. His face was in between my thighs. My moaning got louder as it felt even better and better. "You like that baby?" He asks. "Y-yeah Gray". "Call me daddy" he says.

Grayson was thrusting harder and harder. He started to spank me. "Do you like that?" He asks. "Yes daddy" I say. This was a very different Grayson. Quite wild. He reminds me of the old Grayson. The fuckboy Grayson.

After we have finished and got dressed we lay there for a bit silently. "Did you like that baby" he asks with a smirk on his face. "Yeah but you were very different" I say. "I was just trying to make it better" he says. "Yeah but you were very wild and you were telling me to call you daddy" I say. "What is your problem?" He asks. "Nothing" I say. I got pissed. I took all my things and walked out. "Wait. Casey!" He says. I ignore him and go.

He is still following me. He grabs my arm and looks me in the eyes. "What's wrong?" He asks. "The thing is Grayson, I don't want the fuckboy version of you to come back and hurt me! That's the thing!" I shout. "Why would that ever happen? Case, I love you and only you and I will never stop" he says. "I'm scared Grayson" I say. "Don't be. I will never hurt you" he says.

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