Chapter 21

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I woke up feeling so happy. Me and Grayson are together and I couldn't wish for anything better. I've never liked a boy this much before. I really care about him.

I got a text from Grayson saying 'Good morning beautiful' which made me smile. We messaged for a short while then I had to actually start getting ready to go to school. I'm probably going to be asked questions about me and Grayson.

I still got a ride with Ethan. Our friendship was still very close and I didn't want it to brake just because I'm dating his brother. I don't want to leave him out.

I got into school and saw that Grayson was outside of school. I was surprised he got to school earlier than me. Maybe he was practising some football. "Hey baby" he says hugging me. "Hey" I say. We started walking into school. I was glad not many people stared at us. I thought I'd get lots of dirty looks because Grayson is known as 'The fuckboy of the school'.

We still had 30 minutes till lessons started. We went to the dinner hall to sit for a bit with others. I didn't see the girls anywhere. "Are you coming to sit with us?" Gray asks. "Sure" I said.

"Oh hey guys I saw your Instagram posts last night" Aaron says. "Yeah she's mine now" Gray says smiling at me. "How did I not see you before?" Mathew asks. "I seriously don't know I haven't really seen any of you much either" I say. I only knew Jack Johnson a bit because he was in some of my classes. "Well are you guys coming to my Halloween party?" Nash asks. Grayson looks at me to say he wants an answer. "Yeah sure sounds fun" I say.

I had a few people come up to me and ask if I'm dating Grayson and saying That it's Surprising that he has a girlfriend because he's such a fuckboy. I seriously didn't care what they said. Grayson had changed. The girls were all planning on what they'll do to Grayson if he ever hurts me. I do love these girls they are so caring.

Summer wasn't in today she was ill so Maths was boring. I was too bored so I wanted to get out of this class for a minute. "Can I go to the toilet?" I ask the teacher. He gave me the toilet pass and I walked out of the classroom.

Whilst I was walking I bumped into someone. "Grayson. What are you doing here?" I ask. "Just walking round because I'm bored as hell" he says. "Oh same" I say. "You wanna sneak out of school. Nobody will realise" he says. I thought for a minute. I guess one day wouldn't really hurt. We went to the front entrance and when no one was looking we quickly sneaked out. "Wow that was intense" he says.

We got into Grays car. "Where do you wanna go?" He asks. "Ummm maybe the mall" I say. "Okayy" he says.

We got to the mall and starting walking round. We practically walked round every shop there was. I bought myself a few cute outfits and makeup. Grayson bought himself some t shirts and a cap. I wanted to get him something. He got me such a gorgeous necklace. I decided to get him a watch. He wanted a nice watch for a while. While Grayson was trying a shirt on I quickly walked out and went to buy him the watch I saw earlier. I saw him look at it earlier so i think he'll like it.

I quickly got it and went back to the shop. "Hey where did you go?" He asks. I passed him the little box which had the watch in it. "Casey. What. No." He says. He opened the box. "How did you know I wanted this watch so much?" He asks. I shrug. "I don't know" I say winking. "Why did you buy this. No Casey you spent too much money on me I feel bad" he says. "You bought me that necklace so that's my gift to you and if you want to make me happy wear it" I say. He smiles then hugs me tight.

We went to get some food because I was obviously starving I think Gray was too. We went to Starbucks after. We both got a frappe.

We were just talking in Starbucks

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We were just talking in Starbucks. About the most random things. I love our conversations. They could go on for ever.

"Are you sure you wanna go to Nash's party? I mean they're pretty wild" Grayson says. "You know I love parties" I say.

It was about 3 now and we decided to go now. Grayson dropped me off home. "Thank you for today Gray" I say kissing him. "I love you" he says. That was the first time he said that. That was the first time any boy said that. I felt so happy when he said that. "I love you 2 Gray" I say smiling. I walked out of the car and headed home.

When I walked in I saw my mum and dad standing there. It's like they were waiting for me. "where have you been?" My mum asks. "At school. Where else would I be?"I ask. "I don't know you tell me" she says. Oh shit. "Your teacher called saying you missed 3 last lessons" my dad said. "So where were you?" They both ask. " I didn't feel well. And today was just really boring. So I decided to walk out of school and go on a walk" I say. "You went by yourself?" My dad asked. "Yes" I said. I didn't want to get Gray in trouble. I know that he probably won't mention my name. "You grounded for a week" my dad says. "Dadd!!" I say angrily. He ignored me. I heard Nathan laugh whilst I walked upstairs. When parents weren't watching I showed him the middle finger.

I went upstairs and messaged Gray.

Me- parents found out I've ditched. I didn't mention you btw but I'm grounded for a week 😘xx

Grayson🙈-when I got home the school called and my mom was at work so I answered it and pretended to be my dad and they believed it so I'm in no trouble. You didn't have to do that baby girl. I can't cuddle you in bed for a whole week😟❤️

He was so cute! Xxx


You can imagine how a week being grounded went. It was boring as fuck. I could only see Gray in school now. When I got home I just mainly laid in bed and watched movies like usual or did my homework. Me and Gray also face timed. We couldn't live without seeing each other for more than a day. I know we have only been together a week but every day gets better.

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