Chapter 10

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The next morning I was woken up by the alarm on my phone. I really didn't wanna go to school. I was so tired. I got ready pretty early today. When I came downstairs into the kitchen I realised my mum was making pancakes. "Hey sweetie I'm making pancakes. You want some?" She asked. "Of course I want some mum you make the best pancakes ever" I replied back smiling. After I finished my pancakes I put my plate in the sink and headed upstairs to get my bag but then I heard my mum ask " do you want me to drop you off today?". "No it's fine mum I think I'll walk a bit early to school today" I replied.

I was walking to school blasting my favourite songs on my headphones. I got to school and noticed that hardly anyone was in school.

I went to the bathroom and when I came in I got a big shock. Cameron was in the girls bathroom which I found very confusing. "Oh hi Cameron What are you doing in the girls bathroom?" I ask him. "You think your so special Casey Jones?" He asks. "You think that your so cool because you rejected me?" "I'm getting laughed at by everyone in school now because of you, you little bitch" he says. "What do you mean?" I ask confused. "I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings but I thought you understood" I say.

I realised he was getting closer and closer to me. I started to step back a little. I was now leaning on the wall and he was really close to me now. I was getting a bit scared. He started take my clothes off. He punched me in the face which caused me to bleed. He was trying to rape me. I started screaming as loud as a could hopeing that someone would hear me. He then covered my mouth. He took my top and bra off. I carried on screaming and crying hoping someone would help me. But nobody came. He dragged me on to the floor starting to take my jeans off. "Please don't do this" I say to him. "It's too late baby you shouldn't have rejected me" he says smirking. I scream as loud as I could. He punches me again.

"What the hells going on here?" I heard a familiar voice shout. I realised it was Grayson. He started punching Cameron in the stomach and then punched him in the face a few times until he passed out. I was too weak to get up. Once Cameron was on the floor passed out I felt relieved. "Casey can you hear me. Are you okay?" He asked. "Grayson please get him away from me" I say panicking. Grayson called 911. "Don't worry police And the ambulance are gonna be here soon" he says. He also Called my mum.

Grayson's POV
I was in the boys locker room when I heard someone scream. I started running to where the noise came from. I realised it was In the girls bathroom. I quickly came in and saw Casey laid on the floor. Blood all over her and she was undressed. Cameron was there undressing her. I quickly dragged him off her and started punching him in the stomach then I punched him in the face which caused him to pass out. I quickly came over to check if Casey was okay. "Casey can you hear me? Are you okay?" I asked her. She had fear in her eyes. I heard her say really quietly "Grayson please get him away from me" I quickly got my jacket and covered her with it. I called 991 and then found Casey's phone and called her mum and told her everything. I was so worried about her. Cameron is such a horrible dick.

Casey's POV
I woke up in hospital. I had some wires attached to me. I saw my mum next to me. "Oh my god Casey I was so worried about you. Are you okay baby?" She asks looking really worried. "Yeah mum I guess I am but if it wasn't for Grayson I don't know what would happen" I say to her. "Your safe now Case that bastard is going to prison for sure" I heard Nathan say. Mum didn't say anything about him swearing this time. "Your dad is at the police station right now making sure that horrible boy will never hurt you again honey he'll be here soon though" my mum says.

I saw Grayson walk in and then my mum and Nathan left. "Hey how you feeling Case?" He asks smiling a little. "I'm feeling better now. Grayson if it wasn't for you I don't know what he would do to me. I'm so thankful. Literally Grayson I owe you so much" I say. "You don't own me anything Casey. I'm so glad that I got there on time and helped you. But why would Cameron do that he was always a chill guy" he says to me. "Well yesterday he told me he liked me and I told him I only like him as a friend and I thought he understood but then this morning he was in the girls toilets and he started to get so scary and it just didn't seem like him. It was like a different person" I say to Grayson. "He must've been really bothered about you not liking him back. I mean I don't blame him for being upset but why would anyone wanna do such a horrible thing" he says.

"But Grayson... why were you in school so early?" I ask him curiously. "I was practising on the field a little. Sometimes I come to school a little early and practise some football" he says. "Well again thank you Grayson" I say to him looking him straight In the eyes. I suddenly got lost in them."It's okay I'm just glad your alright" Grayson says. We stared at each other for a bit. But then I heard someone else come in.

"Omg Casey are you alright?" I heard Summer ask looking so worried. Summer, Ashley, Ella, Shawn and Paige came to visit me. "I'll be going now, I'll see you soon" Grayson says while walking out. "Hey Casey, I'm so sorry about this I didn't think Cam was capable of doing something like this. He said he was mad that you rejected him but I didn't think he'd do something like that" Shawn says to me. "It's okay Shawn I don't think anyone knew that he'd do something like that. I'm just glad that it's over now". We all talked for a while. The girls cheered me up. I was so glad I had them. I had a few more people visit me. Ethan also came and he brought me a McDonald's to cheer me up. I'm so thankful to have such amazing people in my life to help my though this.

//Hi guys, I'm sorry if this affected anyone. I didn't really enjoy writing this chapter. I know it's really sad and once again I am truly sorry if this affected anyone ❤️I love you all💓

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