Chapter 17

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The next few days I tried to avoid Grayson as much as I could. He tried talking to me but I just ignored him. Ethan was telling me how sorry he was too but I told him that I don't care.

It was Friday now. I was glad because I wouldn't have to see Grayson for another 2 days.

I got home from school and started doing some maths homework. I was really stuck and didn't know what to do. I just gave up with it and went to go downstairs to get a snack.

Then I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door. Grayson was stood there with a bouquet of flowers. "Can I come in?" He asks. "Sure" I said. I let him in. "Well" I say. "Casey I can explain enough how sorry I am" he says. "I guess I shouldn't even get angry we're not even together" I say. "No Case you have every right to get angry. I'm really sorry. I didn't know why I slept with that girl. I guess I'm just used to doing it but I promise that I have no feelings for her or any other girl and that this will never happen again" he says.

I didn't exactly know what to say. I couldn't stay mad at him anymore even if I wanted to. "I forgive you Gray" I say. "Really?" He asks. "Yeah" I say. He handed me the bouquet of flowers and I went to put it in the vase. "Wanna come to my bedroom?" I ask. "Sure" he says.

We were laying on my bed for a bit not saying a word. I had my head on his chest. I wish things weren't this complicated.

We suddenly started to kiss. I wanted revenge after he gave me some many so many hickeys on my neck so I started going down and kissing his neck leaving marks. Then going down his chest. I suddenly took my top off and he took his shorts off. And we'll you know what happened next.

When we were finished we were listening to music in bed and then he said "Tomorrow me and you are going out" he says. "Like on a date?" I ask. "Yeah I guess we can call it a date" he says. "I'll pick you up at 2" he says winking at me which caused me to giggle a bit. "And just know Casey I'm not going to sleep with another girl again" he says. That made me happy but I didn't know if I could trust him or not.

We lay there in bed for a little. He was playing with my hair. I liked when people played with my hair. He had to go home. "See you tomorrow gorgeous" he says and walks into his car.

I was at home in bed and I got a text from Gray.

Grayson-Don't wear anything fancy tho 😉

Me-why? Where are we going?🤔

Grayson- Can't tell you 😉

I was really curious about where we were going. He told me not to dress fancy so that means we're not going to a restaurant or anything. I guess I'll ins out tomorrow.

I woke up at 10. I always sleep so long.
I had some breakfast and called Lily for a bit. We were just talking about what's happening in our lives. I told her about Grayson. "so your friends with benefits?" She asks. "Exactly" I said laughing.

I then messaged my mum for a bit. She said that they were coming back on Monday night. Grandma was feeling better now. I was glad she was okay.

It was 12 and I decided to start getting ready. I put a stripy top on and some ripped jeans. I straightened my hair and did my makeup. I think I was ready now.

It was nearly 2

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It was nearly 2. I brushed through my hair one more time then went downstairs. I had a sip of water in the kitchen. I then went to put my superstars on. I heard a knock at the door. I knew it was Gray. I opened the door. "Hey you look very pretty today" he says. "Well thank you. You don't look so bad yourself" I say giggling. We got in Gray's car.

We were driving for a good 15 minutes. "So where are we going?" I ask. "You'll see in a minute" he says. We were driving into a parking lot. We got out of the car. I realised we were at a theme park. "You like theme parks?" He asks. "Oh Grayson I love theme parks" I say excited hugging him. I loved going to theme parks. We were stood in front of the Ferris wheel. He looked at me for a bit. He then kissed me. It felt so real and so right.

"What should we go on first?" He asks

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"What should we go on first?" He asks. "Can we go on the bumper cars?" I ask like a little kid. "Ye sure" he says laughing. After that we went on lots more rides like the cliffhanger, Double shot, the Ferris wheel, the pirate ship and more. It was about 5 now. "Should we go on one last thing?" he asks. "Yeah like what? I think we've been on everything" I say. "The slingshot" he says. I've never been scared of theme parks and the rides but I've never been on the slingshot. I was always too scared.

"Okay let's do it" I says. We stood in the long queue. It was nearly our turn. "Have you ever been on this before?" I ask. "Ye sure lots of times it's not scary at all" he says. "Oh okay that's good" I say. It was now our turn. We were sat down. The man was counting 5...4...3... "Hey Casey. By the way I actually haven't ever been on this before and I'm shit scared" he says. "YOU WHAT?" I shout 2...1. And we shot high up into the air. I screamed so loud I thought I lost my voice for a minute. It felt quite good but scary at the same time. "You dickhead" I shout to him while we're still up in the air. He laughs. I was too scared to look down. We were finally going down. "Well that was fun" he says smirking. "Ye great fun" I said sarcastically.

We were in the car now. It was getting a bit dark. I thought that Grayson was taking me home but I realised that we pulled up outside of McDonald's. everyone knew that McDonald's was my favourite food. "Grayson your the best!" I say to him. "I know I know" he says winking at me. We were in McDonald's eating our food. I had 20 the chicken nuggets meal.

Grayson was taking me home now. We were now outside of my house. It was silent for a minute. "Thank you Grayson for today. I had so much fun" I say. "That's good" he says smiling. "Do you want to come in?" I ask. "No it's getting kind of late now I should go home" he says. "Okay then. Bye" I say while walking out.

I was starting to get stronger feelings for Grayson. I didn't want to loose him. I'm scared that he'll hurt me. I wouldn't be able to recover from it. Oh what have I got myself into?

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