Sit In Front Of The Class:
You're less likely to fall asleep since you'll be the first person the teacher sees. You also won't be tempted to get on your phone since it won't be easy to hide.
Participate In Class:
Ask questions and answer them, and give your opinions during discussions. You'll be better focused, and you can show that you understand the material. Teachers love when students participate.
Bring A Water Bottle To Class:
Drink it whenever you're thirsty. Staying hydrated is definitely a factor in helping you stay focused during class.
Get A Good Nights Sleep The Night Before:
If you're well rested before class, you won't feel the need to take a nap.
Take Detailed Notes:
Don't just copy notes straight from the board; write them in a way you can better understand it. Also, if you're teacher talks during notes, try to recollect what they say and if it sounds important, WRITE IT DOWN. Whenever your teacher writes on the board, it's recommended you write it down as well.
Eliminate Any Kind Of Distractions:
Turn your phone off prior to walking into your class so you're less tempted to reach for it whenever you get a notification during class.
QOTD: What's your favourite class this school year?