Make a unique hook:
Girl, you need a hook. Hooks are great because you have a stamp or, something people know you for. People are more likely to follow you if you bring original not common.
Like people's photos:
No one will follow you if you don't follow them. People will see your name pop up if you like their photo, or someone else's. This is likely to get their attention.
Use a special hashtag:
Make a hashtag your own, by using it often. Like for your hook, use your hashtag every time you use your "hook".
Master and don't abuse the hashtag:
Abusing the hashtag may look strange on an Instagram post. Master the hashtag such as you using ONE popular hashtag.
Make sure your profile picture reflects:
Don't use a profile picture where it looks like you're a mile away from the camera. Find out that fits your profile, face, and natural highlights. This will choose how your account overall look.
Post regularly, but don't spam:
Spamming is the worst! If you spam people will usually unfollow. Posting regularly such as once every 2-5 days is perfect because it keeps your follows active and interested.
Get people to turn on post notifications:
Doing this will make people see your post which will lead to activeness, and people living and having your account grow.
Even out your theme:
Try to even out your theme. For example, I wouldn't post two cluttered posts in a row, it gives someone to many things to look at.