How To: Start Fresh This Spring

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In School;
-Reorganise your backpack
-Clean out every binder
-Throw away all rubbish in your locker
-Update your desk/study area
-Make a vow to start doing your homework, get better grades, etc.

-Delete old posts on social media
-Switch up your bio and profile pic
-Delete old apps on your phone
-Clean up and reorganise apps
-Use a new screensaver

Mental & Physical Health;
-Start eating breakfast
-Cut your hair so it's healthy
-Get a mani or pedi
-Start getting 8+ hours of sleep
-Aim for 30+ mins of exercise per day
-Lighten up your makeup routine

Around The House;
-Clean out your wardrobe
-Donate old clothes or items
-Clean your room completely
-Decorate your room for spring
-Move around furniture in your room

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